Chapter 11 - Love and Heartbreak

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*the pic is Ren but picture darker pink hair and I don't own this art :}
Tuesday September 4th

Amélie POV

I can't believe it...

"I'm in a relationship with someone."

Those same words echo in my head over and over again.

I cannot stop sobbing as I run back home.
I enter my apartment looking dishevelled with tears staining my cheeks. I walk straight to my room and collapse in my bed, thinking to myself of the calamity that has just occurred.

Y/N is dating Sunny..

That sentence enrages me to the core, more tears flood my eyes.
How could I let this happen.?

How did Y/N leave me??

Why did they choose him.?

Come back.

Come back to me...





I won't let you..

Amélie lies awake in a crazed state thinking about his confession. He laughs to himself at the thought of giving up on the one person in the world who he truly loves.

He will not. He cannot. Y/N is the only person that makes his life worth living.

Before he met them life was hell for him. The lying and cheating partners. The fake relationships had made him think he was unlovable. The cruelty of others actions were taking a toll on him.

"No one needs you anyway Amélie, why bother?" His 'friends' would tell him when he told them his problems.

He was at his breaking point after his last break up, until Y/N healed him. Y/N's kind and uplifting words made him feel something other than despair.

They were like a light shining in his dull cruel world.

They like the real him, not the mask he wears with others. They like the shy and nervous guy he really is.

Y/N makes him feel loved. Wanted. Needed.

He would do anything for their love.

I get home after that whole fiasco feeling guilty. My eyes are watering and a feeling of dread is in my stomach.

I enter the apartment and Sunny greets me at the door. I can't smile at him. I greet him with a weak wave.

"Hey honey-" he then looks shocked. "Why do you look so upset?!"

I take a moment to take off my shoes and go to sit down before explaining. Sunny follows close behind like a shadow.

We sit down on the couch facing each other and he holds my hands softly, worry in his eyes.

"H-honey please! Tell me what happened?!"

My voice is hitched in my throat, I cough before speaking with an unsteady tone.

"I-I just got back from speaking with Amélie a-and he told me he was in love with me.."

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