Chapter 23 - Ren's Route

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*warning* Drugging and False Imprisonment occurs in this chapter.
Reluctantly, I look Sunny in the eyes and see there's regret and anxiety evident in them, he's also tearing up a little waiting for a response.

I speak in a quiet tone,
"...I- forgive you Sunny...and I'm willing to get back together with you.."

Sunny smiles, lips curved up and eyes shining brightly.

"T-thank you so much dear, I'm so glad you forgive me.."

Y/N nods, "Yeah, I don't really think it was your fault. I-I mean you weren't thinking straight."

Sunny hums in agreement and goes in to hug them, needing to feel their skin against his. A reassuring feeling.


"I love you so much honey." He states, feeling relief run over him as the love of his life has finally returned to be in his arms.
Timeskip 5 months~

Y/N walks down the street, heading straight to their apartment after their lectures ended. It's Friday today and they're excited to sleep in for the next few days.

They listen to music as they glance at others on the sidewalk and take in the nature surrounding them.

this neighbourhood is pretty beautiful...never really noticed till now...

They hum to themselves as they make it to their apartment complex. They waltz into the foyer and choose the elevator for today.

Once they make it to the top floor they make a b-line straight for their apartment door. They unlock the door and are greeted with a familiar face.

"...hello honey.." Sunny greets as usual planting a soft kiss on their face.

"Hey babe." Y/N hums back, a bit tired from lectures but feeling a bit relieved as the break is coming up.

They set their things down and head straight to the bathroom to take a shower and change into their comfy clothes.

As they are finishing up changing, they hear Sunny shout from the other room something about going to pick up food from his favorite restaurant.

They shout out an agreement at his idea and then hear the sound of the door closing; silence fills the apartment.

Y/N emerges from the bathroom and decides to do a bit of tidying around the house as it hasn't been cleaned in a while.

I start with the living room, I set aside books on the coffee table to the bookshelf and old snack wrappers go into the garbage.

I move the fluffy pillows into place and turn off the tv.

It looks like Sunny was watching (tv show you like)..

I then make my way to Sunny's bedroom. He says he doesn't have time to clean it when he's home because he wants to spend time with me.

Maybe I'll help him a bit by putting some things back where they belong...

I set some of his books onto his desk and put away things I find on the floor.

I see some kind of shoe box on the floor, it looks like it was meant to be put underneath the bed but was put away carelessly.

I'm gonna browse through it and maybe put away stuff from inside...
As Y/N opens the box they are met with Sunny's collection of items he'd stollen from them.

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