Chapter 22 - Amélie's Route

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*warning* Murder occurs in this chapter.

I look Sunny in the eyes and see he's really regretting what he's done, he's tearing up and waiting for a response very nervously.

I speak with a blank look on my face, "..I'm sorry Sunny, but I don't forgive you."

I hear the sound of Sunny's breath hitch in his throat, "w-what? My love..? What d-do you mean?"

I stare at him with a sort of malevolence, "I don't want to get back together with you. I don't think we should be a couple anymore. This is the end of our relationship Sunny.."

His face darkens and he moves in closer to my form. I back up a little towards the door as he speaks.

"..n-no! you can't leave me—please honey...I need y-you, you're the fucking love of my life and I only want you!"

I start to feel a bit uncomfortable, "Sunny, I'm sorry, but I don't want to be with you anymore..please, you're making this difficult.."

He stops his rambling and his lip trembles as he makes one last effort to win me back. He gets on his knees and pleads.

"Please, h-honey I love you.."

Tears leave his eyes, but his pleads and cries fall—once again—on deaf ears. He seems to be taking this terribly. I slowly back away, slip my shoes on and head out the door with my bag in hand.

I hurriedly head towards Amélie's floor. I look back to see if Sunny has followed every once and a while, luckily he isn't there.

I reach Amélie's door and knock quickly. I wait for a moment and after a few minutes I hear him feverishly open the door from the other side.

"H-hey Y/N! What brings y-you here?" He nervously squeals out.

I breathe out a sigh, "um- I need a place to stay the night..."

Amélie looks confused, "b-but don't you live with S-Sunny?"

I look away from him, "...Actually.. we just broke um...could I stay at your place for a bit?...I won't be a bother-"

Amélie smiles widely. His smile is nice, it's a little crooked but cute and warm.

"Sure y-you can stay w-with me! I-it would be n-no bother at all!"

I smile back weakly and he ushers me to come inside.

His apartment is nice and spacious, I look around as Amélie takes my bag.

"U-um you can s-stay in my r-room.. I'll sleep on t-the couch." he mutters as he brings my bags to his room.

"That's good with me..uh and thank you for this..I won't be staying for long."

He laughs a little and waves off my comment, "N-no! Really it's f-fine! I..I'm a-actually glad y-you came.."

I look at him with confusion, "What do you mean?"

He blushes and sputters out a reply, "u-uh I just w-wanted someone to-to spend the evening w-with.!"

I smile warmly and nod as I make my way to his room.
Amélie POV

"Um- I have some c-clothes you can w-wear to sleep in..le-let me go get them."

I set Y/N's things down and hurriedly go to get them one of my old shirts and maybe some shorts from my linen closet.

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