Chapter 15 - Strange

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Saturday September 8th

I wake up feeling sore from last night. I groggily sit up and feel Sunny's arms cling tightly to my waist.

"Mmm...honey..don't get up.." he mumbles into my side.

I was going to go to the bathroom and get ready for the day but I guess snuggling for a little bit would be nice.


I lay back down and sigh.

Sunny clings onto me, resting his head on my chest. I rest my hand in his auburn hair and gently run my fingers through it.

He lets out an orgasmic moan and it scares me a bit.

Oh my gosh-..!

I move my hand away quickly but he whines for me to put it back.

"......nooo don't stop~..It..feels..good..."

After a few minutes of patting and rubbing his head, I stop, having to go to the bathroom and wanting to make coffee.

"I've got to get up lovebug.....I also really want some coffee..."

He huffs grumpily but lifts his head off of my chest without another word and snuggles up to his pillow.

I get up and out of his bed and make my way to the kitchen.

I've made us both a huge cup of coffee and some toast.
We're out of sugar and bread now..
We have to go shopping today..!

I bring the plates and cups to our table and go to wake Sunny.

I enter his room and walk over to his sleeping form. I shake him a bit and call his name but he groans and whines for me to come to bed.

Maybe I'll pretend to be upset he's not waking up..that might work??

I huff and frown sadly, "S-Sunny don't you want to come shopping with me..? Don't you want to keep me company at the grocery s-store.?"

I almost lose my composure at that last bit.
What in the world am I saying.. 💀

He suddenly opens his eyes with worry plastered on his face.

"h-huh? Honey- no- I-I- do! I want come with y-you! Of course I do! I'll get ready- just don't be sad.. please.!"

I laugh a little, "..Calm down, I'm just joking...I made some coffee and toast so come eat with me, okay?"

He huffs looking relived and gives me a sort of pouty face.

"Honey, that was not nice..I-I thought you were upset with me.."

Awh I kinda feel bad..

"Uh my bad Sunny,..but you weren't waking up."

He looks a bit upset at me but then the look fades and is replaced with a...smirk?

"I was dreaming of you my love. I was having a dream of us in the future, living together and loving each other..forever ❤️." he says flirtatiously.

I smile and blush a little.
Awwwh that's so cute..Buaha he's such a softie :)

He chuckles softly and gets out of bed.
Time skip to the grocery store~

Y/N and Sunny have arrived at George's, the closest grocery store in the area.

Y/N gets a cart and they start browsing the aisles for things they might need.

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