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ᴍᴀʀɪʟʏɴ ɴᴏᴛᴛ•

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ᴍᴀʀɪʟʏɴ ɴᴏᴛᴛ•

"I don't get it," Theodore leaned against my bed post, his eyebrows furrowed.

Of course he didnt understand why I was sitting on my bed like a little baby, crying my eyes out. I was stupid, so fucking stupid. The pregnancy test was slid under my pillow, away from Theodore view but that wasnt what concerned me the most.

The child's father did.

My worst fucking enemy, Draco Malfoy.

Sleeping with him wasnt the smartest choice, but after Harry Potter cheated on me with my best friend, I wanted to get back at him. And me and Draco were both bored, so we put aside the arguing for a split second just to fuck. And now, four weeks later, I'm finding out that I'm carrying his child.

I'm so screwed.

"Marilyn," his hand rubbed my shoulder gently, "Why won't you just talk to me?"

I'm trying. But the words are caught in my throat.

The worst part about it is Draco doesn't know. I'm three weeks along, and I have to put up walls in my mind because he's great at reading them.

I wiped my nose, "Let's go to dinner, okay?"

He raised his eyebrows, running a hand through his hair. "You're sure? You know Harry will be there with Ginny-"

"I'm fine," I sighed angrily at him, suddenly feeling guilty for being rude to him. "Can we just go? I'm hungry." More like, I just have to eat more from now on then what I usually eat. Which is nothing sometimes.

He nodded his head, and I started to throw my curls into a pony tail. A million thoughts filled my head- what if he knows as soon as I enter the great hall? Would he even care? Probably not. What would he say?

A hand came on my back gently, "Marilyn, I'm worried about you."

He worried because I don't cry- I didn't even cry when our mum died. But how can I not, when my emotions are gonna be all over the place? How can I not when I know I'm carrying the child of the person I hate. Draco has taunted me about anything and everything he can, the only time he didn't was when he on top of me at the party four weeks ago.

Do I even tell him?

I can't. My heart started to ache, but as soon as we entered the great hall, the walls in my head went up. Theodore may be my brother, but he doesn't know a lot about reading minds, or people. That came in handy today.

I took my seat by Pansy, Blaise on the other side of me. "Hey," he greeted me with a warm smile, "You weren't in divination, are you okay? You look like you've.." I gave him a glare, "Never mind."

Pansy slapped a paper down in front of me, "I can't believe her! She's going to fail me, and I really do try my hardest in this class-"

"Does smoking every Saturday really count as trying?" Draco cut in, raising an eyebrow at her with an annoyed expression.

"Yes," she responded with spite, and all I could do was look down.

I know I need to eat, I really should. But for some reason the food on my plate wasn't even what I was looking at. It was Harry Potter, looking at me with his eyes swollen and red. It made my heart ache again- me and him were together for three years. And he cheats.

"Stop staring at Scarface, it makes you look weird." Draco snarled at me, his eyes looking me up and down before he looked away.

I shook my head, "Shut the fuck up, Malfoy."

He gave me a death glare, "You need to get over the fact that he doesn't want you. He probably never did. Grow the fuck up."

A scoff left my lips, "Just because you've never been in a relationship, doesn't mean you know anything about mine. I think you're the one who needs to grow up, dickwad." You also don't know I'm carrying your child.

He seemed to get angrier by the minute, "You think your something special? Face it, he chose somebody else over you. You'll always be second, Nott."

"Fuck you, Draco." I jeered, fighting the urge to slap his cheek.

"Thanks, but I'm good." He looked at me like I disgusted him, "Whore."

I got up and left the table after that. He pisses me off so much, and the fact that he has the audacity to call me the whore? I've only slept with two people- him and Harry. And I wish to god I never did sleep with Draco.

Footsteps echoed behind me, and I started to walk faster. I really hoped it wasn't Draco, the thought of him alone with me made me want to punch him. I would. But when I turned around, I saw Harry trying to catch up with me.

"Marilyn!" He shouted at me, and I turned around to see his eyes piercing through me. "Stop for a minute."

"Why should I? Don't you have a girlfriend that needs attending too?"

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "She c-cheated on me. And I realize that I want to be with you now-"

"Now?" My voice was strained, stomach feeling like it was about to hurl. "I realized I wanted to be with you years ago! And then you- my best friend? Really, Harry?"

"I know I- I fucked up," he came closer to me, and I backed away, "Please, Marilyn."

"You look pathetic," a voice cut in from behind Harry, and it didn't take me long to realize it was Draco Malfoy.

Harry turned around, I kept the scowl on my face. "I don't need your opinion, Malfoy. It's none of your business-"

"Mm," he leaned against the wall, a smirk on his face. "I think it is when she came to me after she was done with you."

Harry's face fell, and I was about to hold my breath. "What?"

"She was in my bed, underneath me, saying my name."

Harry looked at me for answers, but all I could do was look at him with sympathy. "No, Harry it was a m-"

"Save it." He walked away from me, giving my shoulder a harsh bump when he left.

I wanted to crumble into a ball and never come out. "What is wrong with you?" I asked Draco, his lips set in a thin line now. "What do you want from me? Just leave me the fuck alone-"

"I want you to hurt," he took a step towards me, no longer leaning on the wall. His breathing was harsh, eyes slicing through me like paper. "I want you to cry like the baby you are. Fucks sake, I want you out of my life, and I wish I never touched your ugly body."

With my chest aching, I turned around. "I hate you, Malfoy."





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