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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ •

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ •

"Guess what, Neville?" I sat down at the table in the great hall, my parchment paper in my hands.

He clapped his hands together, "Yes! Tell me."

I smiled proudly, "I made a 97% on the herbology test." It felt good to be passing one class, all of my other classes I couldn't care less about.

"I'm proud of you, Dray," he gave me a smile that I returned, waiting on Marilyn to show up.

For the last month, she's been everything to me. I'm not sure where we stand, and I'm not going to ask because I don't want to ruin anything. She lets me sleep in her dorm, we avoid Pansy, Theodore, Blaise and Elliot. Although, Marilyn did tell me that I'd get my chance to ruin his face like he did mine.

She healed me with her wand though, something I never cared to do.

A pair of arms settled on my shoulders, and another wide smile came across my face. "Hi, Darling."

A blush formed on her face, "Hi. So, did you pass?" She took a seat next to me and put her thigh on my leg, my hand going to grab it. I looked down at her stomach, even though it was covered with my sweaters, and smiled again to myself.

"I did," I told her, kissing her forehead.

She huffed, "These jeans hardly fit me anymore. There rubbing into my stomach and it's uncomfortable."

I reached down and unbuttoned them, then slid ny sweater down her bump further so nobody would see. "That good?"

She nodded, "So, Neville, I was thinking we should all go to hogsMeade tomorrow."

"Why?" Me and Neville both asked at the same time.

She looked away shyly, "I'm far enough along to know the gender."

Oh god, my heart felt so full.

Neville clapped his hands again, "I'm hoping it's a boy."

"I am too," she smiled at me, "I hope they get your eyes. You have very pretty eyes."

All I could do was wrap an arm around her waist and smile down at her while I planted a single kiss on her forehead. I was trying to process it, that I'd get to know what gender the baby is but it was kinda hard when this felt so un normal.

Usually I'd have screwed up by now and just had to figure it out on my own. But I didn't have to do that this time and I felt like I could dance all around this great hall right now.

I would if it made her happy.


Why does the world have to make me feel like it's wrapping around my throat and choking me? Why do I stumble when I walk in potions class when I see Evelyn sitting at my desk? My chest felt heavy seeing her, and I almost squeezed Marilyn's hand too hard.

I brought her hand up, not noticing my hand was shaking and kissed it. "Sorry. I didn't m—mean to squeeze so hard."

She stopped me, pulling me to the side. I began to start sweating. Why is it so hot in here? "Draco, talk to me. We talked about this, right? Don't push me away, please."

My throat felt like it was closing in, trying to find some way of apologizing. I was trying to speak, to say anything but all I could see was Evelyn on her knees. Touching me. When I didn't want to be touched.

"Come on," she took her sleeve and started to wipe the sweat off my face. "Take deep breaths okay? Class is about to start, Draco, I'm worried. I have to go sit down in a few—"

"No— no," I grasped onto her jacket, faster than I ever had. "Don't leave me— please. Don't let me go back to my seat."

Her eyes looked over there, and her eyes narrowed into slits. I felt bad, I felt like I could pass out but when she started to pull me towards her seat, I had to walk. The boy that was sitting beside her looked at me like I was dumb, "Are you blind? Get out of my fucking seat."

I took his place when he ran, still holding Marilyn's hand. "Do you want some pepper? I might have some in my bag."

I looked at her with a blank expression, "Why would I want pepper?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I mean it helps me when I.. I get like this."

I was gonna say something, but two people sat in front of us, and my hand grasped her thigh again. I'm calling it reflexes and nothing else.

My eyes were met with Pansy and Blaise, a guilty expression on their faces, and I lowered my eyes again. They were still friends with Elliot because neither me or Marilyn have talked to them. They don't know what we know. So why am I blaming them for it in my mind?

Because they believed that I'd do something as vile as telling Marilyn I hoped her baby died. And they think I don't care about the baby at all. I'm blaming them in my mind for it because of how they treated me.

It's not fair, but neither was them not believing me. Or even trying to talk to me. They were fine without me, and they have been for awhile. I don't know why their back in front of us now.

Pansy cleared her throat, "Can we tal—"

"No." Surprisingly, the harsh tone and words didn't come from my mouth, they came from Marilyn's.

Blaise shifted in his seat, "Marilyn, please. I know—"

"You punched him without a single thought in your head except for something he didn't even say." She glanced at the teacher to make sure he wasn't watching us, my hand stayed on her thigh. "You've been friends with Draco for years, Zabini. Years. And you really believed someone who you met two months ago? I tried to stop you, and I ended up passing out. I tried to stop you, and you didn't even care. So get out of my face, and leave us alone."

Pansy furrowed her eyebrows, and scoffed, "Elliot was right. He really has brainwashed you."

"Excuse me?" I looked at her like she was dumb.

She looked at me straight in the eyes, "You heard me. What kind of sick things have you been putting in her head? Elliot said he saw you give her a potion when you left the great hall one day. Tell the truth, Draco, why is she even with you—"

"Thats a goddamn calming potion!" I nearly shouted at her, slamming my hand on the table. "She's six months pregnant, and madam pomfrey had given her a case of it when she woke up in the hospital wing. I can't even fucking believe you," I shook my head, "I was your best friend, Pansy. And you're choosing to believe him over me. You're choosing to believe that I'd put her in danger. And Theodore? He thinks I don't give a single fuck about this child. He's wrong. And all of you can go to hell."

Tears glossed over Pansy's eyes, yet she grabbed Blaise's arm and walked off to her seat all the way across the room.

Marilyn took my face in her hands, "Don't let her get to you, it's not right. I know you care about our child."

I shook my head, "I don't just care about the baby, Marilyn, I care about you too. More— more than friends."

𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now