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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

I stepped off the scale, scanning my figure in the mirror.

My weight went down again, and I was thankful enough to not have my belly even slightly showing. Obviously it takes a while to show, but I have no clue about any of this and I'm scared. I'm so scared. This baby will grow up without a father.

Just like me and Theodore did.

I don't want that, I really don't want that.

But what else can I do when the father of the baby hates me? A few weeks ago, he fucked me. And about a couple weeks ago, he fingered me in a classroom with my hand gripping his arm.

Now, all we do is snarl at each other. An argument gets started, and it's like we're constantly at war. He hates me and I hate him. I do, I hate him for everything he's ever done to me including getting me pregnant. Why did it have to be me? He sleeps with Astoria all the time, he couldn't have gotten her pregnant? Shes the one his parents love, she's the one who gets to sleep with him at night.

So why did this happen to me?

A knock sounded on my door, and I wrapped a towel around my body. "Come in," I scrounged around for some clothes in my dresser, when Pansy entered my dorm room.

She was panting and panicking, and it made me furrow my eyebrows. "Your brother- Theo he- he needs you," was all she could rasp out.

I slipped on the nearest clothes I had which was my undergarments and a thick blue sweater with some black sweatpants. My hair was still wet from my shower, yet all I cared about was getting to my brother. I opened my door and didn't wait for her, instead I started running out of the Ravenclaw common room with her trailing behind me.

The slytherin common room was empty on a Saturday morning, it was pretty easy to get to Theos dorm. My hand twisted the knob, hearing a slight sob break through someone's throat and it wasn't long before my brother was in my arms. He was crying- something I've never seen him do before our mother died.

"Theo," I ran my hands through his hair, his head resting on my shoulder while Blaise rubbed his back and Draco sitting beside him. I think it's the first time I've seen Draco look worried. "What's wrong?"

He closed his eyes, "Dad called again."

My heart sort of stopped. "What did he.. say?"

"It's the 17th, Marilyn. Mom died today." He gripped onto my shoulder tighter, "He was drunk again. Told me he threw out every single picture of her he h-had."

I could only sink my eyes lower. I didn't cry, I don't think I could. It felt like my brother was the girl of the family and I was the boy, but I'd never tell him. He deserves to have feelings, but after what Dad did to us, I don't think I could cry.

Instead I just onto my brother tighter, letting him cry until he couldn't. Just like I used to do.


"I bet you feel pretty stupid, don't you?" Draco taunted me at the dinner table, snatching the paper out of my hands.

He scanned over my failing grades- I wouldn't be failing if I didn't have a child to worry about. I wanted to scream at him, wanted to tell him that I'm carrying his child and he'd never know. But the walls I have inside of my head fall down more and more each day.

I haven't eaten a meal in weeks. I eat, but not much. And I only eat because of my baby.

"Oh, let me guess. Mr. Ugly pants got all passing because if he didn't daddy would take away his allowance." I made a fake pouty face at him, watching his jaw clench and rip my paper to shreds.

Pansy nudged my shoulder, "Are you not hungry?"

I shook my head, looking over at the Gryffindor table. From there, I could see Harry and Ginny getting up from the table and I got up from my table. I should probably sit back down, but I needed to talk to him.

"Where are you going? To talk to potter? He doesn't want you, Marilyn." Draco sneered at me, and Blaise his shoulder to make him stop.

I rolled my eyes and turned away anyways, following the both of them out of the great hall. They were already far ahead me, because Draco had to fucking hold me back. My feet turned the corner, wondering where they were, so I sped up my pace.

I turned a corner, and disgust riddled up my face.

Ginny was on her knees, Harry leaned against a wall with his erection in her mouth. It was long before his head snapped to me, a sinister smile on his face as he gripped the back of Ginny's hair and pushed her further down onto him.

"I was hoping you'd follow me, Nott." He smiled, taking her off of him and shoving her backwards. He zipped up his pants, anger growing on him as he took a step towards me. "Did you like it?"

I narrowed my eyebrows, "You're sick, Harry."

He smiled again, "Yeah? I hope it hurt, Marilyn. I hope it hurt just like it hurt me when you slept with Malfoy."

Ginny scrambled up, running down the hallway and I began to grow for some reason. "It's not like you watched it."

"It doesn't matter," he gripped my cheeks in his hand, pushing my face together. "You slept with him right after we broke up. How could you?"

I pushed him off of me harshly, "You cheated on me, Harry!"

A slap came to my face, "I did not! You just wouldn't listen to me!"

A gasp left my lips when he slapped me. I can feel the cut of his ring that it made on my cheek, a little bit of blood falling down. "Harry.."

"She was on my lap because she needed help taking off her tie- I wasn't cheating on you. You're just fucking insane." With that, he walked away.




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