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[TW, mentions of SA and rape.]

Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

A sob wracked through my body as I looked at my stomach, shame taking over my entire body.

I looked like I was bloated. I looked so ugly and my body is changed and I hate it. What are people gonna think at school? When I show up with a bloated stomach? Would they notice? Would they tell me I'm getting bigger and I need to stop eating? More tears ran out of my eyes at the thought.

I slipped a large sweater over my head that was Theodore's, and made my way out of the bathroom to go to the kitchen. I wiped the tears off of my face, I hated being pregnant. I haven't cried this much in years.

How long was Christmas break gonna last? I don't think I can be in the same house as Draco anymore. I can't get the image out of my head, how she was touching him. The same way he'd let me touch him.

It makes me sick every time I think about it. Me and Narcissa have been talking a lot, and she still doesn't know. Apart of me doesn't want her to know because Draco really, really fucked up and there is no forgiving him.

The kitchen was empty except Blaise, and he was stirring up some soup. "Here," he passes the bowl to me when I sat down, narrowing my eyebrows. "It's for you. Theo told me you should eat-"

"Theo?" I questioned, my eyebrows narrowing. "What do you mean?"

Blaise shook his head, "He knows, Marilyn. As do I. I'm a little upset you didn't tell me first, but I would've blabbed my mouth to Malfoy eventually, especially since he's the father."


Holy shit.

Oh my god.

I practically leaped out of the stool and went to find Theodore. Running hurt my stomach, so I tried to slow down but it ended up hurting again. I hate this.

Theodore was in the backyard, in the garden with Pansy and Malfoy, making me halt in my tracks. Theo noticed me first, and gave me a look that told me 'we need to talk.' He got up and walked over towards me, going inside and suddenly, my hands were sweating.

I haven't talked to Theo since he yelled at me. "Theo.."

He took a seat at the kitchen table, and I took a seat at the stool I was on earlier. "I just want to know why, Marilyn. Why would you sleep with him? Why wouldn't you take a potion afterwards-"

"I thought I did, Theo." I choked out, my lower lip starting to quiver. "After it happened I went to party more- and I couldn't really remember what happened after me and Malfoy. I thought I did take a potion-"

"Obviously you didn't," Theo snapped at me, and Blaise stepped in, telling him to stop taking things out on me.

"It's not like it happened on purpose, Theodore." I stood up, and crossed my arms, holding in the tears. "Neither one of us want a child right now. I'm not fit to be a mother, and Draco? He wasn't even supposed to know. I don't want him to know. I don't want to be carrying his child. He hates me."

Theo rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, "You're right, Marilyn. I know it wasn't on purpose," he shook his head standing up, and walking closer to me. "But I'm scared for you."

I wiped my nose, "I'll be due before school ends, unless father comes to visit then I won't see him."

Theo wrapped his arms around me, and I hugged him back. "I just don't want you to lose yourself during all of this. I'm scared of everything happening to you, Marilyn. Having a child, it's- it's not a joke-"

"Obviously I know that," I narrowed my eyes into slits up at him. "How would you know Theo? You're not the one carrying a child-"

"Pansy almost had my child," he whispered, looking down on the ground.

My head went spinning. "What?"

He nodded, "It was last year, and we'd slept together. The same thing happened to me that happened to you I guess- I thought I gave her a potion but I forgot because I was partying afterwards. But she.. she miscarried due to stress."

The fear of losing my baby was creeping up on me. I didn't want to lose it, it's still a child. It's got a heartbeat somewhere inside of my stomach.


I woke up to whimpering, and it wasn't me.

I had fallen asleep on the living room couch, a blanket drapes over my body while I stirred. When I opened my eyes, I quickly got the hint that it was Draco by the blonde hair and the way he was hugging himself.

He pushed something away, but nothing was there. I looked at him again with furrowed eyebrows, watching him start crying in his sleep. "Draco?"

"Stop.." he whimpered again, pushing someone away from his crotch.

My heart ached, but my stomach sank to the ground. I may hate him right now, especially for what he did, but I know he's probably thinking of Astoria right now. I got up off the couch, his crying getting harder. It broke my heart to see him cry, but it's not the first time.

"Draco," I shook his chest, but he cried harder. "Wake up, please." I shook his shoulders, watching him finally jolt awake,

He tensed, pushing my hands off of him and sitting up straight, wiping his eyes. His cheeks were red, his entire body hot but I didn't care. I cared if he was okay.

I went to cup his face, he jerked backwards, his eyes still wide. "Don't touch me."

Why does my heart shatter? Why do my eyes well up with tears? He's scared, afraid. I was like that too when it first happened to me. I pushed Theo away. But with Draco, it felt different. It's me. And it hurt that he didn't want me to touch him. But I can understand why also, and I hate that.


"I got drunk," he sniffled, starting to cry again. He brought his knees up to his chest, "She wouldn't- stop." A sob came from his mouth, "I -"

"Draco, breathe," I pleaded.

He shook his head, more tears falling. "I didn't push her away," he sobbed, and it took me a moment. He's talking about Evelyn. "I- couldn't. I didn't know what I was doing- until you walked in."

Now my eyes were definitely watering.

"I can't remember anything after that," his nose was turning red, lips shaking and hands gripping his shirt. "I'm scared that she didn't something else and I can't- can't remember it."

He looked up at me, I felt my whole world break down. His legs went down, his arms going up and around my waist, pulling my stomach to his head.

"I wouldn't do that to you," he cried, lifting up my shirt to rub my stomach. "To the both of you."




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