➪ 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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[I am so sorry this took so long, my work hasn't given me a day off in forever except my birthday. But I should be back to updating regularly <3]

 But I should be back to updating regularly <3]

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

"You know what? You're a dick face," Blaise shoved me playfully, upset I got checkmate.

I chuckled, shaking my head and watching Theo and Marilyn talk in the kitchen. I haven't spoken to her since she found me on the couch, we go back to school tomorrow and I'm scared everything's gonna change. I'm gonna have to see Astoria again— I'm gonna have to see Evelyn again.

I took one last look and watched Theo press a hand to her stomach and Marilyn raise up her shirt a little.

She was growing.

I'm confused on my feelings. I'm so confused. Why did I go to her when Astoria touched me? Why did it hurt me to hurt her? Nothings making sense, and I'm scared it never will with her.

My eyes averted back to me and Blaise's game before she could catch me looking, but my stomach ached. Ached at the fact that she didn't tell me she was growing and I hadn't been able to talk to her.

She doesn't hold an attitude towards me anymore, because she knows I was drunk. But now we don't even speak at all, it's like she really does hate me. And thats fine, because I hate her.

Blaise started the game over, "want to play again?"

I was gonna respond, but a knock was sounded on the door. My parents were home, so I narrowed my eyebrows and gave Blaise a look while I stood up. "Who the fuck is that?"

He shook his head, "I've got no clue."

Theo and Marilyn entered the living room, both of their faces looking confused. "Sooo.. you gonna answer the door?" Theo asked me, slipping a sweater on his body.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door, grabbing the handle and opening the door.

A boy stood in front of me, his curly brown hair almost matching Theos and his shoulders slightly shaking from the cold. His rose an eyebrow at me, "Are you gonna let me in? I was told Marilyn and Theodore were here."

I looked at him like he was crazy, "How the fuck do you know they're here? And who are you? How do you know where I live—?"

"Their father told me." He clenched his jaw at me, and I wanted to punch him. He's about 3 inches shorter then me. "Now let me in or I'm pushing myself through."

"This is my house—!"

He shoved past me and I slammed my door shut. Who does he think he is? My eyes watched him dust off his jacket and then take it off and set it on my coat rack.

The first question to fly out of his mouth was, "Where's Marilyn?"

"In my bed."

He narrowed his eyes, "Where is she really."

"My bed."

"You're not funny."

I crossed my arms, slightly embarrassed I'm wearing pjs at 1 in the afternoon. He looked me up and down and I was about to lose my cool until Theodore popped up around the corner with a surprised face.

He pulled this guy in for a hug, "Dude, I wasn't aware you were coming. Why didn't you send an owl?"

I watched as they had their little conversation while I rolled my eyes. This is my house, not his. And what the fuck does he want with Marilyn?

Theo walked him to the living room, and it was about 40 seconds until Marilyn realized this guy was actually here and she jumped into his arms, giving him a big hug.

I'm jealous.

I'm more than jealous.

What the fuck?

"I missed you," he told her, and I watched the smile on her face grow.

She'd never smiled with me like that.

"Who is this guy?" I asked Theodore.

"He was one of our childhood best friends until he got in durmstrang. His names Elliot."

I was half listening, but I wasnt at the same time. All I could think about is how she was smiling at him right now.

My eyes opened to a small sob, my hands going to rub my eyes.

I heard the small whimper before it took me a minute to register who it was, and I was out of my bed in seconds, opening my door. The bathroom down the hallway wasn't far from my room, and the light was on.

I didn't want to just walk in, but the closer I got, I could hear Marilyn crying and I knew she was trying to silence it.

When I knocked on the door lightly, the crying slowed down, until I heard a small who is it.

"It's Draco," I mumbled quietly, "Can I come in, please?"

She answered with a small yes, and I opened the door gently, and closed it. She was sitting in the tub, crying, with her knees to her chest while she was bare naked.

I turned my head.

"It hurts," she whimpered, "I tried to eat, I tried to sleep, I even tried to take a calming potion— but it— it hurts so bad. So I thought a bath would help it but now I can't move," she sniffled.

I sighed, "Can I help you?"

"Please," she cried.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Love—"

"It's nothing you haven't seen." She cut me off harshly, "If you don't get your ass in this tub and help me, I'll cut off all your fingers."

I slipped off my boxers, and slid into the bathtub behind her body, and pulled her to lay on top of my chest. My hand pressed against her stomach, and she cried harder until it stopped hurting.

She laid her head sideways on my chest, and I took the moment to look at how much she had grown. Her bump was growing, that was for sure. I took my other hand and rubbed my hand over it, another sigh leaving my lips.

We stayed like this for a while, until eventually the water was getting cold, and I realized she had fallen asleep. Gently, I sat up with her still on my chest and I removed my hand from her stomach, watching her turn around on my body and lay on her stomach. This made it alot easier to grab under her thighs and hoist us both out of the bathtub.

She mumbled on my chest, "If you drop me, I'll kick your shins off."

I chuckled and set her on the counter, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her back with me. I tried to wrap one around my waist but she had her legs around me so I just gave up and carried us both to my room with me bare naked.

Elliots sleepy ass was standing outside and saw me.

Whoops, I'm naked.

I entered my room again, and dried her off before I laid her down in my bed. Then I dried myself off, and laid down next her.

Her eyes opened, "sometimes I lie to myself."

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closet to me. "About?"

"About not wanting you in this baby's life." She turned around after that, and fell asleep.

𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now