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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

I sat in the hospital bed, crying at the sight of Avalon in my arms.

It wasn't sobbing, but tears couldn't help but fall out of my eyes while I was looking at her. She seemed so sweet, she seemed so relaxed in my arms. Giving birth was something I don't ever want to go through again, but to hold my baby in my arms like this, made it worth it.

Draco was there with me the whole time, Theo passed out as soon as Avalon was out of me. He stood to the side of me holding my hand, but I guess seeing Avalon covered in.. yeah. He fainted.

Now, Draco, his mother, and Theo are outside giving me some time by myself with Avalon. Lucius Malfoy, couldn't make it. In my opinion, he seemed pretty pissed about the whole thing.

I wanted Draco to be in here. But he was deep in talk, and Avalon was in my arms sound asleep. So.. I grabbed a little plastic cup and threw it at the window.

Draco turned around, his eyes finding mine with a smile on his face. He mouthed the words, 'Do you want me to come in?'

I nodded, watching him practically hop out of seat with excitement. He opened the door quietly, shutting it just as gentle, and walked over to me. "Take off your shoes," I whispered. "I wanna cuddle after you hold her."

He did as I said, and then I gently gave him our child, his smile faltering. Avalon snuggled into the green sweater he was wearing, but all I was focusing on was how Draco was looking at her, and I think his eyes were watering.

Is he crying?

"Draco," I sat up, moving over so he could sit on the bed. "Are you—"

"She looks just like you," he wiped his cheek, sitting down and moving to lay on the bed. "I knew I loved her when she wasn't even born but now— now she's here and I feel like.."

I smiled up at him, watching another tear fall out of his eye.

"I don't want anybody to hold her." He states, his head falling into the crook of my neck while I started to slowly close my eyes. "She's ours."

I smiled, "Ours."

For the next week, me and Draco had to learn to be parents.

I woke up at three every morning to feed Avalon, and he always woke up with her to let me sleep in a little bit. We were excused from classes, but we still had to take our finals, as school was coming to an end.

I stood in the shower, sore and felt so wore out. Draco was putting Avalon down for bed, I was ready to pass out but I had to wash up. The shower door opened, and I could feel Draco behind me, closing the door.

"Love," his hands came around my waist, rubbing small circles on me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, leaning back onto him. "I'm sore."

He laid his head on my shoulder, "We can't have sex for 6 weeks." A small laugh left both of our lips, "Marilyn, are you gonna forgive Theo? After he held Avalon, hes been wanting to talk to you."

I sighed, "I don't think I want to talk to him until Elliot leaves this castles. It's like he's brainwashed them— I miss Blaise, and I miss Pansy. Of course I miss my brother, but he's gotta stop spending so much time with Elliot."

He let go of me, getting his hair wet under the shower water. "I know. He's a dick, and if I didn't have bigger responsibilities right now, I'd go over to his dorm and fucking kill him."

I laughed, stepping out of the shower, but I couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Where do we go now? Do we co-parent, or do we stay together? We're not together, but we don't see anybody else. It's confusing, my heart wouldn't be able to take it if he rejected me.

I left the bathroom, slipping on some clothes. Avalon was fast asleep in her crib, my heart aching.

I'm gonna ask him where we go after this.

My heart pounded in my ears as he left the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. What is he gonna say? What if I just blurt out the L word? Would he turn me down and say we're just— parents together?

Oh, god.

I watched as he got dressed, I watched him take his time as he slipped on some boxers. When he climbed into bed with me, I sat up, and looked at him.


I tried to ignore the way my stomach curled, "Where do we go from here? Like— us. What happens between us."

He sort of just looked at me, I could feel the needles poking at my throat.

"What.. what do you mean?" He pulled the covers up to his waist, and god, I wanted to sob right there.

I looked away, "Our relationship?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. A million thoughts were racing through my head, and I couldn't even find the words to describe how I felt right now. "Marilyn, I'm not ready for a relationship."

Just like that, the needles tore into my throat and I felt like I was ready to burst into sobs. Not ready for a relationship? We've been acting like we're in one for the longest.

"I don't want to press, and I don't want to be a bitch." I sucked in a breath, "But I don't understand. We basically act like we're in a relationship, why—"

"Because I've never been in one," he looked at me, watched the tears in my eyes and wiped them off my cheeks. "I don't want to hurt you anymore. If we're in a relationship and you need me, and I can't be there I just— I'm not ready for one."

I want to respect his boundaries, I want to. But it hurts me more than I expected, my lips won't stop quivering and my eyes were burning. He wasn't comfortable with having a relationship then I'll give him time.

Grabbing a blanket, I got up. "I'm going to talk to Pansy."

He shook his head, "Marilyn, please. I'm not rejecting you I'm not—"

"Draco," I choked up on my own words, standing in front of the door. If I left now I'll be back in time to feed Avalon. "I lo—"

"Please don't say that."

My heart was now plunged in my throat, I felt like I couldn't breathe as I closed the door behind me.

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