➪ 𝓯𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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[if any of you want to bash Marilyn for this chapter, please don't. She has a valid point.]

Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

I stirred in my sleep, feeling like a holder was on top of me.

Draco was laying on my chest, his arms wrapped underneath me, while his face was buried in my neck. He was heavy, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. But then I looked down and saw he was shirtless, and the huge muscles that ran along his arms, and it was hard to not get a little wet at the sight.

I tired to shake him slightly to wake him, but when I felt myself about to throw up, I pushed him off of me and ran to his bathroom that was connected into his room.

After I finished throwing up like usual, I found a pack of tooth brushes under his sink and got one out with another tube of toothpaste.

His frame walked into the bathroom with me, a smirk on his face. "Those tooth brushes are meant for me."

I spit, "Well, do you want this one up your ass when I'm done with with it?"

He rose an eyebrow at me, but then got to brushing his own teeth. Once we were both done, I was about to walk back into his bedroom but my body was collided with his, his hands on my stomach with my back against his chest. That didn't help with the way my clit was throbbing.

He rubbed my stomach soothingly, "How do you feel?"

"Likes a rats ass. Now get off of me."

He tightened his grip on me, and turned me around to push me against the wall. "Who the fuck are you talking to like that, Marilyn? I helped you last night, I should at least get a thank you."

I scoffed, trying to ignore the way his hand was holding my inner thighs. "I'm sorry? You want a thank you for knocking me up? Yeah, not gonna happen—"

He cupped my bare pussy, because I was only wearing one of his t shirts, and a gasp left my lips. I looked him up and down, only in his boxers, taking in the way his body is shaped so perfectly.

"Your little friend saw me carrying you to bed last night," he smirked like I knew who he was talking about, until I registered it as Elliot. I watched him slide his boxers down, and tried not to look at his bulge because I know my clit would only throb more. "Maybe he'll stop looking at you like you're his."

I smirked, watching him hold me up to align at my entrance. "Maybe I am."

With those words, he pushed into me, filling me up with a sound leaving both of our lips. The look on his face was so unreadable, but for some reason, he looked mad.

He gave another hard thrust, "You're not his." Was all he could say, before his lips attached to my neck.

For some reason, as his cock kept slipping in and out of me, all I wanted was for him to say I was his. That I was all his. He held my body impossibly close to his against the wall, but still continued to fuck me the same.

My clit rubbed against his skin sometimes, and moans kept leaving both of our lips. "Then tell me," I breathed out, my hands gripping his shoulder. "If I'm not his, then who?"

He shook his head against my neck, pushing his cock all the way inside of me and thrusting hard enough to hit my cervix at the same time he slapped my ass. "You're. Not. His."

I tried to stop myself from moaning so hard but now he was all the way inside of me, and he was pounding into me like he was angry. Frustrated, even. My core ached as he went in and out, his mouth leaving marks all over my chest.

My head fell back against the wall, another whimper leaving my lips. "Please," I don't know what I pleaded for, I just wanted him. But he's right here.

His eyes locked with mine, his arm hooking around my waist while he took his other hand and rubbed my clit. "Tell me what you want, Darling."

He slid all the way out of me, only to push back inside of me and repeat the action several times, my core finally clenching down on him, making a moan leave his lips.

My orgasm made my legs shake, my cum coating his cock while he tilted his head up and closed his eyes, releasing himself too. My head was spinning, feeling him pull out.

He just held my body towards his. My heart felt heavy, for some reason it felt like we just did something wrong. Because I'm not his, he wouldn't even bring himself to say it. I'm not Elliot's, I never will be.

"Marilyn," he whispered, "Can we talk about what you said last night? Please, I want to be in this baby's life—"

I pushed him away, and shook my head. "No. That was me sleep talking." It wasnt, but I won't have my heart broken.

What happens when he sleeps with another girl and he's not drunk? What if he just decides to give up? I already knew everything changed once I found out I was pregnant, but nothing changed between us. He still hates me, and I still hate him.


For some reason, seeing his face, made tears well up in my eyes.

He slipped on his boxers while I slid on my shirt, "Marilyn, please. Please. I won't fuck up—"

"I can't believe you," I told him, my lower lip threatening to shake.

He scoffed, "So thats it then? You just think the worst of me? I may not know how to be a father, but you don't know how to be a mother either. You don't even have a mother anymore."

"It's not about that, Draco—"

He stepped forward, and I tried not to step back wards, even though my heart was pounding in my chest. "Then what's it about, hm? You think I'm gonna end up like your father? Hit you and our child and then rape you?"

When he raised his hand to run it through his hair, I flinched. I couldn't help it. My back hit the wall and a tear fell from my eye, Draco's eyes widening too.


My brother told him about our father raping me. I thought Draco was going to hit me as a punishment. Everything in my head was telling me to run, and I did. I grabbed a pair of his sweatpants, and slid them on.

"Marilyn, please— I'm sorry—"

"I fucking hate you."

I slammed his door shut as I left, choking on my own tears. The betrayal that I felt towards my brother was endless, and Draco used it against me.

He just told me he wouldn't fuck up. And this time, I don't think I can forgive him.

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