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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

With her arms gripping the sink, I could tell she was trying not to cry.

I wanted her to cry weeks ago. I wanted to feel her hurt weeks ago. Yet, as she stands before me, tear stained cheeks and her lip quivering with her nose red and sniffling, I didn't feel an ounce of satisfaction. I felt regret.

But she's lying to me.

Because the walls in her head were down. And everything she'd been hiding from me, came crashing down on me like a fucking plane crash.

I slammed the bathroom shut, watched her jump again and it only made the guilt pin down in my chest more. My hands reached for her, but she stepped back and looked at me- like she hated my guts.

"Marilyn," my eyes shifted to where her arms hugged her waist, more specifically, her stomach. And now I knew why. "You- it's-" I didn't even have the words to speak right now.

Another tear leaked out of her eye, "Get away from me."

My hands dropped to their side, "You can't do that. You have to stop lying to me, Marilyn."

A little sob left her lips, and she wiped her nose. I tried to come closer, but she backed all the way up to the wall. "Are you happy?"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, wanting so badly to comfort her. For what, I don't know. Maybe it's because she's carrying my child. "What do you mean?"

"H-happy," she whimpered, her eyes welling up with more tears. She couldn't hold eye contact with me like she usually did, she was vulnerable. "Are you happy, Draco? To see me like this. You got what you wanted."

I shook my head, "No this- this isn't what I wanted-"

"Yes it is," she cried finally looking up at me. Her honey brown eyes finally stared up into me, and I felt my chest aching.

I took a step forward, watching her start shaking. "Marilyn, please. You're carrying my child too-"

She slapped me across the face.

I took a step back, watching her push her tiny hands into a fist. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but she didn't hold an ounce of regret on her face. She stood there, her face all messy from crying, mascara running down her face, and her thin body in only sweatpants and a sweater. And she still looked at me like she hated me.

"Your child?" She stepped towards me, and I held my ground. "This will never be your child. Ever. You can say you're the father, but all you'll ever be is the sperm doner. Don't ever forget that." She spat at me, and hit my shoulder when she walked past me, going out of the bathroom and slammed the door harshly.


"Let's go to honey dukes first!" Pansy whined, dragging Marilyn and Theo with her, leaving me and Blaise to follow behind.

I watched Marilyn, watched the way she clasped onto Theodore's arm, and laid her head on his shoulder. It hurt, that she was talking to everyone but me. Granted, I deserve it, but I can't get her out of my head.

She is carrying our child.

And I still can't wrap my head around it.

Theo turned around to say something, I beat him to it. "I'll meet you guys at the three broomsticks, I have to meet with someone." Before I left, I could practically hear Marilyn's thoughts. If I'm meeting up with another women. "My mother." I told all of them, but I meant it to Marilyn.

Surprisingly, before I walked away, she came up to me and stared up at me. I stared at everything I could- her lips, her eyes, her button nose that was pink, her curls with a beanie on, the small little star earring in her ears. Beautiful.

I cleared my throat, "Y-yes?" Fucks sake, stuttering? Really?

She sniffled from the cold, "Can I-" she looked back at the others, seeing them walk further away and I took off my jacket, putting it around her shoulders.

She sighed contently, wrapping it further around her and I didn't even care that the wind was about to freeze my ass off. Why do I feel this way now? Just because she's pregnant?

She turned around and started to walk away, leaving me wanting to say a million more things. But I didn't. Instead, I walked to the three broomsticks and met my mother.

Mom was sitting in a booth, already ordered me a drink along with herself. She smiled when she saw me come in, but frowned when she saw I had no jacket. I took a seat with her, watched her scold me, before she greeted me.

"Hi, sweetheart." She scooted my drink over to me, hot chocolate. "Why arent you wearing your coat?"

I shook my head, "Thats not important mama."

She scolded me again, but for awhile, we just sat and talked. I laughed, she did too. By the time we were done talking about just about anything, my drink was gone.

She laughed a little more, "This is nice." Mom wiped the corners of her mouth, "But I have to ask, Darling. There has to be a reason you called me here."

I blew out a breath, hearing the bell to the door open again. "The reason I called you here," I watched Marilyn walk in, taking her beanie off and her hair fall in perfectly curls. "Just walked in."

My stomach caved in for a moment that I looked at the single bag she was holding, and I recognized it as a baby store. My heart started to throb in my chest, eyes sinking lower with every moment my mom whether it was Marilyn or Pansy.

She grabbed my hands, "Draco, talk to me."

I looked at her, "Marilyn. I did something with her and I- I really, really messed up her life."

My mom looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, "I know you're having- that, Draco. I'm not daft. But isn't that Theodore's sister? Your best friend?"

I nodded with a heavy heart, "And I got her- pregnant."

A gasp left my mothers mouth, as I looked at Marilyn for the hundredth time. She was already looking at me. Her eyes looked down to the bag and back at me, her fists tightening again. The walls inside her head weren't back up. It wasn't hard to go into her head.

She's fighting with herself in her head to show me what she got or not. It made me want to take her to a secluded place and tell her I wanted to see. That I wanted to be in this baby's life.

"But she hates me," I told my mom, the hand to her mouth hasn't left. "She doesn't want me in the baby's life. She won't talk to me either because I really screwed up a few days ago in the great hall, mama."

"Son," she gripped my hands again, "You have to at least try with her. I know Marilyn, I know Theodore. I know all of those people over there, but I know you more. It won't hurt to try, and whatever you did, you have to apologize."

"Apologize? To her?" I nearly gagged, "No way. She'd laugh in my face and I'd be humiliated, mama. I don't like her, I hate her. Apologizing would mean I feel something for her."

My mother shook my head, and got out of her seat, leaving me confused. "Never in my entire life have I heard you say something like that. I'm disappointed, Draco, really." She walked out of the three broomsticks, leaving me with my hands in my hair.




𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now