➪ 𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓿𝓮

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[TW, mentions of sexual assault, abuse and rape.]

Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I ran my hands through my hair, watching Marilyn sit at my counter with my mom talking to her and Blaise. She's been crying non stop. She cried on the train ride here, she cried last night when I was gonna try to her but I didn't because I could hear her hiccuping and choking on her tears.

I knew she was hurting that night she came to me. I saw it the moment she walked in. Apart of my brain is still fuzzy, but I'd never seen her cry so much. I'd never seen her so upset until she saw me like that.

I was drunk.

I didn't know what I was doing.

I didn't know who was touching me and at the moment I didn't care because I could hardly fucking stand. But it's one of those moment when you get stone cold sober- and I did the moment she burst into sobs at the sight of me like that.

Theo was pestering me too. I've seen him look at Marilyn, I've watched her look away the moment they connect eyes. Something happened between them and I have a feeling it's because Theos trying to connect the dots that Marilyn's trying so hard to hide.

The ache in my chest grew every fucking second.

She wants nothing to do with me.

I got off of my couch, and went back upstairs, probably to throw some more things. I'd told Theo and Blaise that they were to not come in my room, and it's because I'm using it as my personal abuse toy. Books were thrown, my desk was completely fucked up.

But a knock came on the door.


I pushed through the door way and instantly shut my bedroom door, but Theodore grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me back in harshly. I narrowed my eyebrows, watching him look at me with his nostrils flared.

He threw a punch at my face.

I drew back, groaning and touching my now bleeding nose. "Theo what the fuck?!"

He shook his head, "You're a shit person, Draco. Completely shit. Screwing my sister? And then knocking her up? Anybody else! You could've slept with anybody else, but you choose my sister?!"

"Theo," my mind was running crazy, my nose hurting. I scanned my eyes over his face, seeing how upset he was. "It's not like I meant to get her p-"

Another punch to my face, and I threw one back. My fist collided with his jaw, pushing him backwards. He rubbed over the spot I punched, and shook his head again.

"You don't fucking get it do you?" He heaved for breath, his chest moving up and down. "I'm gonna have to protect her from our father now. She can't take a punishment if she's pregnant, I'm gonna be the one who has to take the beating." I could see his eyes welling up with tears, and suddenly, my fists unclenched. "Anybody else, Draco." His voice was barely above a whisper.

I stepped forward, gulping. "Theo, please. I swear I didn't mean to, she came to me because Harry cheated on her-"

"You're blaming it on her?!" He shouted, ready to throw another punch but I shook my head harshly.

"No." I sat on my bed, running a hand through my hair. "I know I screwed up her life, I'm the one who forgot to give her a potion. It's not her fault, it's mine. You're right, Theo. I should've pushed her away when she asked me."

Theo slouched down the door, his hands in his hair. "I don't what we're gonna do, Draco. I know it's not my place to tell but- but father would beat the baby out of her. He'd rape her, over and over until she learns her lesson." A tear left his eye, "I can't let that happen."

My heart sunk, and my chest heaved, but I couldn't do anything about it. She hates me, she thinks what she saw was me letting that bitch touch me. She was hurting, and she came to me for comfort- and I was getting my dick sucked because I was drunk.

My knees felt weak, but I won't cry in front of Theodore. Isn't that assault? I was drunk- I can't even remember what happened after I told Evelyn to get the fuck out. It's a blur, and it scared the shit out of me.

But would Marilyn even understand if I told her? Would she forgive me? If I told her i didn't want it I'd feel like I'd be trying to get her to take pity on me. Like I'm saying it as an excuse.

"What if you tried to hide it from your father?" I questioned, watching him lift his head up. "I don't know when she's due, she won't talk to me. She hates me Theodore, and you know this."

He raised his eyebrows, "Yeah? I thought you hated her too. You used my sister for her body that night, Draco. She may have wanted it, but you don't care about her. You don't want this child, you have no fucking right to talk to her about that baby."

My eyes narrowed into slits, "Theo-"

He got up, shutting me up. "I won't ever forget this, Draco. You're my best mate, you really are. But putting her in a situation like this it's- it's not something you can just forget." He slammed my bedroom door shut.


I walked out of my bedroom because I couldn't sleep and I heard something.

The bathroom across the hall has the light on, and I narrowed my eyebrows. But then Marilyn's blanket into view on the floor and i slouched my shoulders in regret.

She's throwing up.

I walked to the bathroom slowly, looking at her crouched over the toilet and wiping her mouth with toilet paper. She didn't have to look up to know it was me, and she didn't even look at me when she started to wash her hands.


"Shut the fuck up."

I shook my head, "Please let me explain-"

A tear slid down her face, and she grabbed a towel to wipe off her hands. "Explain what? That you- you just let everybody fucking touch you? You just met her, Malfoy." She sounded so hurt and tired, it made my heart crack. "I knew you slept with other girls, but-" she broke into sobs, pushing past me, and all i could do was stand there.

I wish I'd never gotten drunk that nights. It's my fault Evelyn touched me.




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