➪ 𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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[you guys are gonna hate me for this chapter 😭]

[you guys are gonna hate me for this chapter 😭]

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

"You're like a fly, James. Go away." I rolled my eyes with a huff, looking at the new boy with irritation.

He was starting to really get annoying, always breathing down my neck and now he's my stupid partner for potions. I wish Draco was still my partner, but he got paired with this poor little hufflepuff boy who looked scared shitless of him.

I looked to my right to see James putting soemthing in the potion that he shouldn't, and I slapped his hand down before he could drop it in there. "Stop fucking around."

"Ooo," he laughed, his curly hair getting in his face. "I like when you're mean, it's pretty hot -"

A wooden stick was thrown at his head, and I looked behind me to see Draco staring at James like he was gonna murder him. I would've smiled if I hadn't been so pissed off myself.

I chopped up another bean, slipping it into the cauldron and watched James with furrowed eyebrows stir it. I felt funny, my stomach was starting to hurt really fucking bad. It felt like someone was pushing against my stomach, physically trying to push it down.

It hurt more than I expected.

I dropped the knife down from cutting the beans, and held onto the table, trying to stop my head from spinning. I haven't even started to develop a bump, why was my stomach hurting so bad?

"Marilyn?" Draco's voice sounded in my ears, and then his footsteps approached me, getting between me and James, pushing him the side. "Move the fuck out of my way." His hands came to my waist, and even that hurt. "What's wrong?"

I pushed his hands away from my waist, and raised my hand to go to the bathroom. Thankfully he said yes, and I walked out to go to madam pomfreys, but didn't even notice that Draco had walked out too.

"Marilyn," he pulled me back gently, my back to his front, his mouth right next to my ear. "Tell me what's wrong so I can help you, Love."

My heart fluttered, but my stomach pained. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling Draco's hand go over my stomach. "It hurts," I told him breathlessly, his head sitting on my shoulder. "Please don't touch my stomach-"

He pressed down on the upper part of my stomach, and relief took over my entire body. "That feel better?"

I nodded my head, leaning back into him and letting him keep his hand pressed down on my stomach. Never in a million years would I think Draco Malfoy was doing this for me. But then again, maybe it's because I'm carrying his child.

I hate to admit it, but this is the part of him that I want in the baby's life. This is the part of him that I like, the part that knows just how to be gentle with me. It's like he memorized my body the first night he had me and had been since then.

He kissed my neck, "I'm gonna take it off now, okay? Tell me if I need to put it back on," I nodded my head again, and when he started to take his hand off gently, it still hurt but it was very faint. "Still hurt?"

"No," I signed contently, leaning off of him and turning around to see him already staring at me.

He sighed, "Do you know when you're gonna start showing?" He asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

I shook my head, "We should get back to class."


I took another drink of the milk I was drinking, but started to add the honey.

Nobody was in the great hall with me, it was the day before we live for winter break. It was lonely, I'd admit, But I'm only gonna be in here until I finish putting the honey in here.

I put the spoon down and left, going back to my dorm. I can't sleep, I have a bad feeling my stomach is about to start hurting again and I'm not prepared for it. I entered my dorm to see Theodore on my bed, playing with his hands.

He only does that when he's nervous.

Like last week, when Draco said something about his father being controlling, I felt like I couldn't breathe for a moment. But Theodore was just nervous. My father did far worse to me then what he did to Theo, but sometimes Theo got it bad.

Especially when he tried to take my punishment so I wouldn't get hurt by father.

"Theo?" I snapped him out of his thoughts, watching him look straight up at me and then the cup I was holding.

"Marilyn," he breathed, standing up and still fidgeting his hands. "Where were you?"

A short laugh came from me, "Are you here to interrogate me, or tell me what you really want to ask. What's going on, Theo?"

"You tell me!" He suddenly burst, I gripped onto my cup.

"Theo, please, you know I don't like yelling-"

"We're you with Draco?!" He asked me again, and I shook my head despite him shouting again. He wouldn't stop. "I want to know what's going on with you guys. He walked out straight behind you this morning in potions! And the other day, at dinner, you whispered something in his ear that made him blush harder than I've ever seen." He was out of breath, "Tell me Marilyn. You're hiding things from me, you don't talk to me anymore. The last time we talked like this was because you were in your room crying. I want to know what made you cry-"

"Okay, I get it." I whispered, holding my cup and trying to calm my breathing. "Somethings- somethings you just can't know, Theo. You'll find out sooner or later-"

"I don't want to find out!" He shouted again, and my stomach was about to hurl.

His shouting, the stomach pain, it was too much. The cup I was holding was set down, and I gave him a look that told him he shouldn't have yelled at me. Tears were brimming my eyes, I hated being pregnant.

I need Draco.

I walked all the way to the slytherin common room with my hand over my stomach, and silent whimpers leaving my mouth. When I tried to press on the same spot that Draco did, my eyes widened when it hurt even worse now.

I said the password to the slytherin common room and headed down the boys dormitory. I knocked on Draco's door, but he didn't answer.

So I did the only thing I thought of, I opened the door.

And the sight in front of me, made me bust into sobs. Evelyn, the new girl, was clearly sucking Draco off with his hands in her hair.

A knife to my heart.

And Draco was holding the blade.




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