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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

As I walked through Malfoy manor, my nerves picked up.

School ended. We graduated, and although it was hard with a kid, me and Draco still managed to do it. Avalon is a month old today, I still haven't spoken to my father and I don't intend too. He can't know I had a child.

He would do things I didn't even want to think about. And I can't stand anybody else to touch me besides Draco.

We were moving into Malfoy manor today, because I can't go to my house. So Draco offered me to stay here— and even if I declined, he still would've made me stay here because he knows what my father did and there's no way he wants me to go back there.

Draco's arm slid around my waist, Avalon in his arms while he continued walk us through the manor, and up the stairs.

"Draco?" Narcissa Malfoy stopped us, coming into the main foyer and then up the stairs to give us a hug. When she saw Avalon her face lit up, I knew she'd missed her. "Can I take her? If you don't mind— I'd just like to spend some time with her."

"Of course you can," I told her softly, watching her take Avalon in her arms and hold her gently. "Is it okay if we go upstairs and unpack?"

Narcissa nodded her head, "Yes, dear. I'll just be down here with her, Lucius won't be home until late tonight."

A feeling ran through my body at the mention of Lucius. He didn't like me. He hated me, in-fact. Hated me because I got pregnant with Draco's child and gave him an heir, but it was me who gave him an heir. He wanted someone else to give Draco a child. Someone more 'elegant' and 'clean.'

Draco continued up the stairs with me, my head going to rest on his shoulder. He planted a kiss on my head, his arm sliding back around my waist.

When we entered his room, I sat my bag down and laid on his bed, my body a little tired. It's been a long day already and it's only 3 in the afternoon. Having a child is hard.

Although, I think it just made me and Draco a lot better.

When his arms wrapped around me and slid my body back to his, I sighed contently. "We're supposed to be unpacking, Love."

I smiled a little, "I know. I just need a little break."

He sat up a little, kissing my neck in small spots. "You know.. I don't want to live with my parents. We could— get a house together. We could live by ourselves."

"But what if.. I need help?" I looked away, embarrassed. "What if I need help with taking care of Avalon? I'm not very good at this."

He placed another kiss on my cheek, "Marilyn, you're a great mother. You've always been a great mother since the moment she was born." His voice was gentle, but it was definitely stern.

"I—I know. I'm just scared."

He turned my body around so I was facing him, "I know, baby. But I promise we'll get through it together."

For the next few moments, we laid there together. We just cuddled, having a little time to ourselves. It was sort of nice, to just stay here.

"One more week left." Draco whispered into my ear, hands slicing a pancake at the dinner table.

"Until?" I whispered back.

His hand gripped my thigh, pushing my plate back towards me. "Until I can fuck you against every piece of furniture I own."

I nearly choked, watching Narcissa across the table feed Avalon. The doorbell rang, and I didn't want to get it, but I was already standing up because Draco was cutting his own pancakes now.

I walked past the foyer and to the door, opening it with just a little hesitation.

Theodore stood in front of me with Blaise.

How badly I wanted to slam the door on their faces. I wanted to yell at them, scream at them to get off of Draco's property but thats just the anger inside of me talking. I missed my bother and I missed my best friends. I really did miss them. But they kept choosing Elliot over me.



He cleared his throat, "Can we come in?"


This time, he huffed with a little annoyance. "To talk. We just want to talk. There's something you should know."

I gulped, opening the door wider and letting them both walk in. Blaise gave me a small smile, and I returned it weakly. He was still my best friend.

When we'd walked back into the dining room, they decided to eat with us. I sat next to Draco again and his face was full of confusion, because for a while, it was just me and him. We only had each other because they all chose Elliot. Every single one of them, including my own brother.

That hurt, I'll admit.

"You're okay with this?" Draco whispered into my ear again, hand now gripped my thigh and pulling me closer. I nodded, "Okay."

An hour passed, and we were cleaning up our breakfast mess. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad talking with them again. They were okay. They were the exact same as I remember them.

"So, what is it that I need to know?" I asked them, sitting on the couch in the living room. Avalon had just gotten put down for her nap, so we all decided to just talk on the couch. "What? Why are you looking like that?"

Theo rubbed a hand over his face, "I'm a little scared to tell you."

Draco scoffed, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "Just tell her."

They were scaring me. Blaise had a look on his face that was telling me that this was not good, and I don't know what it is, but for some reason my nerves are picking up.

Theo took a deep breath, "Father was murdered— by.. Elliot."

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