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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

My hand instantly wrapped around Marilyn's waist, watching her pull my sheet all the way up to her face.

Theo had tears in his eyes, I wasn't sure from what, but it was evident he was upset about something and the look on Marilyn's face told me she did not care. Instead she turned her body around and buried her face in the crook of my neck.

I looked up to see Theodore catching his breath, "Marilyn— I just wanna know."

She shook her head, still in my neck. I answered for her, "Know what."

He sighed, his hand slipping off the door handle. "Did she really miscarry?" He wiped under his eyes and sniffled, "I just— I know she doesn't want to talk to me—"

"Then why are you here?" She cut him off harshly, sitting up. "I want to be left alone."

"But you're with him. You can't be left alone if you're with him —"

"What is your issue with him?!" I raised my eyebrows when she got up, throwing the covers off of her. I don't think I'd ever seen her this mad towards her brother. "Tell me, Theodore. What did he do to you." She waited for his answer, but he couldn't give her one. "Exactly. What we argue about is none of your goddamn business, it never was, and all of you are treating Elliot like he's some type of god."

Theodore scoffed, and I wanted to punch him in the face. "Elliot has nothing to do with this—"

She slapped him across the face, and I widened my eyes.

I got up off the bed and walked into the bathroom, and closed the door behind me. When I heard her shouting at him, I wanted to go back out there and pick her up, take her in here and fuck her until she passes out but I couldn't do that. I just hate when she shouts.

My hand turned on the bath tub and started to fill it up with warm water. A few minutes later, she joined me in the bathroom with her arms crossed and slammed the door shut. "He's such a bitch."

"I know," I sighed and brought her closer to me by her waist, kissing her forehead. "Do you want to take a bath with me?"

She nodded, and I lifted her sweater, seeing her bump. I guess her pill wore off. Unhooking her bra, I got her completely undressed the rest of the way and helped her get in, sliding in behind her.

"Can you shave me," she asked me tiredly, my hand settling on her bump. "Please?"

"Of course, Love." I responded.

She looked at me like she wanted to say something, but when she turned back around, she stayed silent.

When I walked into breakfast, everyone's eyes were on me. Or, probably Marilyn, seeming as she didn't have a bump anymore.

Sometimes it scared me to not see her without a bump, I hated it. But she didn't want anybody to know , so I wasn't gonna tell her to not do it. My hand went around her waist, and we sat by Neville as usual.

When breakfast was over, and we were walking to class, I had to leave because me and Marilyn didn't have this one together. So I was walking to mine, and I nearly tripped when someone pulled me into a broom closet.


I narrowed my eyebrows, "Pansy?"

I couldn't see her because of how dark it was, "Listen, you need to stay with Marilyn at all times. Elliots lost his mind."

Everything in my body was telling me to go back to her classroom now, because I don't know if he's in there or not. What does he want with her? Why can't he just leave her alone? "What—"

"He wants her, Draco." The fear in her voice was evident, "Consensual or not. And he doesn't want her to have a baby with you. He wants to stop that—"

"You can't just stop having a baby!" I was freaking out, I didn't know how to take this. "I'll kill him. I swear to fuck, if he touches her, he's dead."

She patted me on the shoulder, "Just keep her safe. Please."

I was shoved out of the broom closet, and the moment I caught my balance I turned around and headed straight for her class. My chest felt heavy, and it felt like I was about to pass out on the floor. I don't want him near her, I want to fucking rip his eyes for even looking at her.

She's mine.

And I'll fucking carve it into her skin if I have too.

When I opened the classroom door, everyone's eyes were on me, I didn't care. I took a seat next to Marilyn, and looked across the classroom to see Elliot staring dead at me. I didn't give a fuck.

My hand grasped her thigh, and I made sure he saw.

"Mr. Malfoy? Can I help you?" Professor trelawney asked me.

"Change of schedule." I lied through gritted teeth, holding her thigh even harder. She looked at me, and my eyes softened when I looked at her. "I'll tell you later okay?"

I moved my hand up further, watching her lips part with a small sigh. "Oh."

Elliot, couldn't take his eyes off of her and how she reacted. It made me angry, so angry that I could've just fucked her right here, but instead my hand slid further up her skirt and started to rub her through her underwear.

She spread her legs apart, but I kicked them closed with my leg. I leaned down in her ear, "Don't move, don't moan, and pay attention to your teacher. Let me show him that you're mine, and you'll get a reward later."

She nodded her head, and I pushed her underwear over with some struggle. With her legs being closed, it's gonna be alot harder but I knew he was looking, and I'll be damned if he gets to look under her skirt.

I pushed a finger inside of her tight cunt, her body tensing but she didn't move, she didn't even flinch when i thrusted it in and out. My cock grew harder by the moment, her lips sucking in breaths that told me she was trying not to make any sound.

When I slid another finger inside of her, her head fell forward slightly, but she straightened up and kept her composure. I kept my mouth close to her ear, "Good Little Girl. Tell me, Darling, do you want a third finger?"

She nodded, taking her lip in between her teeth and I looked over to see Elliot gripped the table, his knuckles turning white as I slid a third finger in. A satisfying smirk played on my lips, thrusting in and out of her slick pussy, skin so smooth I wanted to fuck her so hard she couldn't walk for days.

"Why don't we ditch class, hm?" I stated in her ear, watching her nod rapidly. "Take this back to your dorm? You've been such a good girl."

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