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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

"So, is it true?" A girl with brown hair and her skirt riding up her thigh sat by me in divination. "She's really carrying your child?"

Marilyn wasn't in this class with me, and I was about to lose my mind. Everybody was asking me, everybody was looking at me like I'm dumb. And there's nothing I can do about it because Marilyn's not in this class and I'm worried how she's doing.

"What's it to you?" I snapped back at the girl, pulling me chair further away from her. "Stay out of my fucking business."

She rolled her eyes, "You're like one of the hottest guys in school, and you get someone pregnant? How dumb can you be?"

"Like i said, it's none of your business—"

"Yeah yeah, not my business." She turned back around, and I flipped her off hoping she'd seen it. "I'll leave you alone, blondie."

Towards the end of class, I had finished my paper and went to turn it in. Even the teacher was giving me a look, and it made me feel so uneasy.

When class ended, I didn't waste any time to get out of there and go find Marilyn. I don't know what class she had, and I have no clue where she is. I checked her dorm, I checked everywhere. I'm starting to get worried, and I decided to walk all the way to the Great hall.

People were smiling at me and laughing, while I was still confused. Adrian Pucey came up to me and patted my shoulder, "Congrats man, I really thought the rumors were true. Ha!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What— what are you talking about?"

He raised his eyebrows, "You haven't heard? Everybody thought Marilyn was pregnant with your baby."

But she is?

I forced a smile and laughed, "Oh yeah, thats definitely not true. I'd never willingly have a child with her, she's not worth it." My chest felt heavy after saying that, but I needed to say it. He wouldn't have believed me if I didn't.

Now I really have to find Marilyn.

I turned around to walk out, to go find Marilyn but a hand gripped my arm and I spun around to be met with Theodore, a frantic look on his face. I jerked my hand away, trying to walk away again but he pulled me back again.

I wanted to slap him in the face, but I contained myself. He looked like he was about to cry, I didn't care. I had nobody when I was crying, he doesn't deserve somebody.

"Just answer a question," his eyes were begging me, something his mouth would never do. "Did Marilyn have a miscarriage?"

My entire face fell, and it was all making sense in my head. If she had a miscarriage, it wouldn't look like she was pregnant and she probably showed everybody that she's not pregnant. Oh god.

I spun around on my heels and started running. The last place I have to check is the courtyard and I could only hope that she was there. My heart felt like it was being squeezed and my stomach was caving in. It was getting hard to breathe, but eventually I stopped running and made it to the courtyard.

She was sitting on a bench, her hair down and she was looking at the ground. It wasn't long before I was approaching her that I could see the tears silently running down her face, and again, my heart dropped for the second time.


"I went to madam pomfrey," she stated lowly. "It's a pill that— that basically takes my bump away. Nobody thinks I'm pregnant anymore. The problem is solved don't worry."

I crouched down in front of her with my eyebrows furrowed, "Marilyn talk to me, what's wrong?"

She picked at her nails, "I know what you said was just words," her eyes seemed to water even more, "But damn, Draco it still hurts hearing that I'm not worth it."

Oh god. "Baby, I swear I only said it—"

"I know," she cut me off again, "I'm just— I don't trust you, Draco."

It felt like a ton of bricks were on my chest, it felt like I couldn't breathe. I'm trying my hardest, and she still doesn't trust me. Is this what heart break feels like? Fuck, my knees are about to give out.

My voice was barely even a whisper, "What?"

She was still crying when she wiped under her cheeks, only for new tears to fall down. "I don't trust you, Draco. I— I can't. How do you expect me to hear something like that and not over think it because you've said things like before—"

I tried to hug her, she pushed me away. "I didn't know you heard—"

"Would you have told me you said it anyways?" She sniffled, and when I tried to wipe her cheeks for her, she slapped my hands away. "Don't touch me. Please don't touch me."

"Marilyn, don't do this—"

"Do you know how many times I forgave you?" Her tears were falling on her jacket, and I wanted to help her. "It only took me a month to forgive you for saying my dad raped me. For saying I don't have a mom. I forgave you because I pitied you and I care about you and I can't stand it!"

My eyes were starting to gloss over, "I'm sorry— I'm so sorry I ever said that—"

Another sob left her lips, "Don't you think I know what he did to me?" She stood up, "Don't you think I feel disgusted for what he did to me? Why do you think I was so upset that I was pregnant, Draco?"

I got on my knees, and I begged.

I begged her not to leave me, because I knew thats what she was gonna do. I knew she didn't trust me, and although it still hurt, I'd rather have her then nothing. So I begged. And I begged and I begged.

"I know you say you don't mean what you said to Adrian, but there's always gonna be the one part of me that thinks you actually mean it," she cried, and a tear slid down my cheek too. "When you said I'm not worth it— God, thats what he would say too. Because he took everything from me."

"Please," I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "Please I— I'm begging you. I can't sleep without you and I just felt the baby kick I—" I wiped under my nose, and whispered, "I don't want that to end. Please. I'm sorry."

She shook her head with more tears going down, "I'm disgusted with myself, Draco. You made me feel disgusted with my own body when you said he raped me. I don't want you to touch me right now."

When she started to walk away I started sobbing. "Marilyn— please— don't do this I'm— I'm sorry—" panic was rising in my chest when she turned around.

"I just need time to stop over thinking everything." She walked away, and I cried my heart out.

𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now