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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ •

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ •

"Well, you seem very healthy." Madam pomfrey hands me a potion to take, something healthy for the baby. "Any odd signs? Have you thrown up yet?"

I hiccuped, and looked at her like I was dead. "Every morning."

She nods with a small laugh, "Thats apart of it, hun. I'm gonna give you a couple more of these vials, only take them every two days. Your next appointment is next week on Wednesday, i hardly have anybody in on Wednesday unless they get hurt during quidditch."

I hopped off the table, throwing the empty vial in the trash can. "I'll be on my way then, thanks." She gave me a box that held more vials, and I walked out of the hospital wing.

Pansy met me outside the doors, and she took the box from me without me being able to question. "Are you feeling okay? Do you know how far along you are?"

I smiled a little, feeling happy that someone cares. "I'm seven weeks."

She smiled too, "That means 11 more weeks until you can find out the gender." She put my box of vials in her bag, "Come on, let's go to the great hall for some hot chocolate."

I nodded, following her through the corridors. I couldn't help but wonder when my stomach would start growing more, it worried me. You can hide a pregnancy until the bump comes in view.

And I'm terrified of that.

Theodore would probably hate me for sleeping with his best friend, Blaise would be upset I didn't tell him but I'm scared. He has a loud mouth, and I know him and Draco are close. It sucks.

The great hall was decorated in Christmas decorations, December first starting up Christmas spirit as dumbledore likes to call it. Hot chocolate seems great right about now.

Pansy set her bag down, and i sat down next to her, Theodore beside me and blaise and Draco across from us. For some reason, Draco's eyes didn't leave my eyes, and if they did, they were staring at my body. It wasn't admiration. He was stone cold pissed at something.

I eyed him warily, "Okay, what's your problem?"

"No-" Theo put his fork down, "We're not arguing at this table today. It's almost Christmas-"

"It's the first day of December," Pansy cut him off.

"Anyways," he rolled his eyes, "Have a little Christmas spirit."

Draco didn't stop looking at me, "I think the only thing I want for Christmas this year is for your fucking sister to tell the truth."

I gulped, gripping onto Pansy's hand under the table. She gripped it back. "About what, Malfoy? You're fucking delusional. Can we not come here to eat?"

"Ohh, yeah. You can definitely eat." He studied me, I was about to blow up in his face. "Is there any reason you want to eat? I find it funny how every time we're in this place you don't eat a single thing. Until now. Why's that, Nott?"

I clenched my jaw, "Leave me the fuck alone."

The walls inside my head fell apart every single day because of him. A knot was forming in my stomach, one that made me want to throw up my guts. He was right, I never eat and now I look even more suspicious. But only to him. Unless he told Theodore and Blaise, I don't think anybody else would know besides Pansy.

But I can see it on his face, he's figuring it out.

"Do you think I'm dumb?" His voice sounded in my head, and I looked down, trying to drown him out in other peoples conversation. "Fucking tell me, Marilyn. Why didn't you take that goddamn potion."

I shook my head, grabbing a plate and grabbing some chicken to start eating. I need to start eating, madam pomfrey told me I look healthy but I'm not sure how long that'll last.

"Fucking tell me. I'll say it out loud to everyone, Marilyn. We slept together. Twice."

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to find a right pattern to breath. "I didn't trust you. I won't take something from you, not when I don't trust you with anything."

I could see his jaw clench, "You trusted me to fuck you."

My hand clapsed Pansy's harder, trying my hardest to stop my head from spinning. It was getting so hard to keep these walls in my head, so difficult to even look straight.

"Thats different."

"How so?"

Shaking my head again, I took my fork and cut my chicken, and took a bite of it. It didn't feel bad going down, it didn't feel like I needed to throw up. So I ate a little more.

Until the next words he told me.

"Nice to see you finally fucking eating again, you look like a stick."

Tears welled up in my eyes. For the first time, since I found about my child, I could feel my eyes water even more and I wanted to sob. My head felt light headed when I stood up, but I couldn't stop the tear from falling down my face.

And the look on Draco's face made me know he saw it.

I exited the great hall, and tried to stop the whimper leaving my mouth when I entered the bathrooms, but I couldn't. Instead, I started to sob. My chest felt like it was suffocating, my hands were sweaty.

I know he hated me. I knew he hated my entire being, and I don't think I can blame him. But he's never said anything to me like that. Even when he called me a whore for being with Harry last year, even when he locked me in a broom closet as a prank and told me I was worthless, nothing ever hurt as bad as this did.

Foot steps could be heard coming into the bathroom and I inhaled a sharp breath, wiping my face off and trying my hardest not to cry in front of someone.

"Marilyn," Pansy's voice filled my ears, she saw what I looked like and she just came over to hug me. Why is she hugging me? Isn't she supposed to tell me to suck it up and take it? That's what dad used to say. "Oh, baby. What happen?"

I shook my head, tears pouring out of my eyes. "Be h-honest with me, okay?"

She held my face in her hands, "Of course."

"Does my body look smaller? Do I- do I look like a stick?" I cried even more thinking about it. This isn't what I wanted.

Her eyebrows narrowed, "of course not. Who told you that?"

Before I could answer, the door was pushed open harshly, and I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out. Draco took one look at me and I didn't look at him because I don't want to see the snarl on his face.

But he didn't have a snarl on his face.

"Leave, Parkinson." He demanded in a cold voice, and i clung onto her.

I'm not scared of him as a person, I'm scared of his words. They hurt, they formed a pit at the bottom of my stomach and my confidence lies there now.

"No," she shook her head, wiping another tear from falling from my eyes. "You don't-"

"Fucking leave," he almost shouted, I flinched. "Or I'll push you out of here myself." She left with a heavy heart, and I locked eyes with my worst enemy.




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