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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

I slid on my sports bra, and plopped down on my bed with a book in my hand.

Tomorrow, I'd be seven months pregnant. And I'm horny. I'm more than horny, I feel like I'm gonna die every time Draco walks in here. He stays in my room, it's been like that since our 'friends' chose Elliot over him. Draco did a spell that spaced out my dorm a lot more, there's room for baby things and he also made a kitchen out a magic.

His mom sends us a box of food every week, through apparition. Obviously we're not allowed to have a kitchen in our dorm, but Draco didn't care.

Just as my eyes started to read along the lines of the book, my door opens. Draco, who was wearing a black suit, was taking off his jacket and leaving himself in his white button up shirt. His eyes scanned over my body and I felt naked already, even though I wasn't completely.

He closed my door and locked it, my thighs slightly clenching together. He cleared his throat, "Are you hungry? Or did you already eat."

I nodded, "I ate."

He nodded back, starting to take off his shirt. And fuck, if I couldn't get any more needier. He's the only one I've slept with since Harry cheated on me and he's the only one I want to sleep with.

"What do you want to do?" He asked as he sat down on my bed. "It's only 6."

It was my turn to clear my throat, "Yep."


I nodded, laying on my side and my back facing him. Suddenly, he was pressed up against my ass, his hands on my thighs and the other sliding across my neck. Fuck.


"You're not very good at hiding it," he started kissing down my neck gently, but held his crotch at my ass. "Is it okay if I please you, Love?"

I couldn't speak, so instead I slightly whimpered. The hand on my thigh was now on my shorts band, pulling my shorts down while I lifted my other hip to get them off. I could hear his belt come off as he continued to suck on my pulse point on my neck, my core getting more needier and needier by the minute.

"I need a yes," he whispered in my ear, his underwear already off and now his bare cock was touching my ass. It was making me want to squirm. "Say yes, Marilyn."

A gasp left my lips when he lifted my leg, his tip so close to my entrance. "Yes— please, Draco."

He thrusted into me, a loud, satisfied moan leaving my lips. The hand with his watch on his wrist came over my mouth and shoved two fingers in my mouth to keep me quiet.

His pace was slow at first, going in and out of me at such a slow rate I wanted to kick him. But it felt so good at the same time, to be stretched by him and feeling him so deep inside me. My hands tightened around his arm, another muffled moan traveling out of my mouth.

"So needy," he rasped out, picking up his pace and deciding to start sucking on a place on my neck again. "But so fucking tight."

Everywhere he touched me, my body felt like it was on fire. He made me feel so much pleasure in one thrust that I could see stars. My pussy throbbed around him, and I'm sure he felt it.

All of my sounds were muffled, but it didn't stop me from making them. "Mm— Draco—"

He turned my head with his other hand, took his fingers out of my mouth, and to my surprise, he slammed his lips onto mine. My body was completely leaning on him now, his hips locking with mine every time he pushed into me deeper.

As soon as I tried to hold in a moan, I ended up moaning his mouth which made him push his tongue into my mouth.  The hand that was holding up my leg started to move forward, now his forearm supporting my thigh while his hand took two fingers and started to rub my clit.

"Come on, Darling." He rubbed it in all the right places, "Cum for me."

My core clenched around him, his hand covering my mouth again while I let out the loudest moan I'd ever heard while my cum coated his cock. Our bodies were sweaty, but all I could think about was how he was fucking me through my orgasm reach his.

When he pushed into me so hard it hurt, my legs started to shake and I could feel his release inside of me. When he came, he moaned right in my ear that made me want to cum all over again.

Gently, he pulled out of me and let out a shaky breath. "Fuck."

For a moment, I thought he was gonna just shower and fall asleep, but then he turned me around forcefully on my other side where I was facing him and he pulled my body towards him. His hand took place on my bump, but I felt something weird, and Draco perked up like a little child.

"It— it kicked!" He put both of his hands on my bump, and I could have swore my heart melted to shreds after that.

As soon as I reached the great hall, people stared at me more than usual.

I wanted to assume it was because of last night, and it was because i might have been too loud. But then I could hear the whispers, and my chest suddenly felt heavy.

People were questioning me on if I was pregnant or not.

I nearly ran out of the great hall until I ran into Draco in the hall way. "Woah woah woah," he gripped onto me the same I was doing to him, his eyes looking down at me with worry. "What's wrong?"

"Somebody told them—" I took in a sharp breath, "They all know I'm pregnant."

He clenched his jaw, and turned me around to walk back in there but I didn't want too. "Marilyn, come on. Neville's waiting on us, and if anybody else asks you I'll gladly speak to them for you."

I did as he asked, and now his arm was around my waist. I wanted to cry. I didn't want everybody to know this, I didn't. I was hoping I could hide it until I was due. I'm so dumb.

Harry was the first person to catch my eye, and when he looked at my stomach specifically, my body went cold. Elliot was beside him.

He told everybody.

𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now