➪ 𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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[the entire chapter is smut babes 🧍‍♀️.]

Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

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Mᴀʀɪʟʏɴ Nᴏᴛᴛ•

A moan left my lips as Draco pushed me against the door, his hands holding my thighs up while his mouth devoured mine.

He kissed me harder, and held onto me like he never wanted to let go. But he was also being rough with me and I fucking loved every second of it. My core was throbbing, and if he didn't touch me soon, I would've went insane.

"This fucking pussy," he breathed into my mouth, my skirt already off along with my underwear, leaving my bottom half bare to him. "So goddamn wet."

Another moan left my mouth when he started to trail kisses from my neck down, his other hand opening my blouse and taking it off. He kneeled down and put my legs on his shoulder, looking up at me— I could've died right there, happy.

"Tell me, Love." He started to kiss up my thighs, biting in some places that left me playing with my own nipple. "Do you want Daddy to eat this pussy?"

I nodded, it's the only thing that could've came out of my mouth. When he kissed my clit, I wanted more and I whimpered. "Draco— please, touch me."

He didn't hesitate, sucking on every inch of my core and making my legs spread wider on my own. His tongue slid in and out of me, my back arching off of the wall while his hands stayed on my thighs and held me down.

The way he made me feel made my pussy pulsate, and my breathing so rapid I could have passed out. I wanted to cum harder than I ever had.

Loud, satisfied moans left my lips, feeling him tap my thigh. I looked down to see him looking up at me, sucking on my clit with my euphoria all over his mouth. "You like this?"

I nodded with another whimper, "Yes—"

"Get on the bed," he set me down, my legs feeling like jelly and I had no choice but to walk over to the bed and lay on it. I started to take off my bra, when my hands were pulled away. "Did I tell you you could do that?"

I shook my head, seeing something purple in his hand and I couldn't figure out what it was. He lifted me up and unhooked my bra, tossing it across the room while he took off his own shirt. His abs were so prominent, the veins in his neck were clear and the watch that decorated his wrist made me want to cum right there.

"Your safe word is green."

I narrowed my eyebrows, "Wait— what—?"

I could hear the vibration, but when he put the little bullet on my clit, I wasn't prepared for how good it would feel. A loud moan left my lips, my hips jerking forward while he pulled my entire body into his lap. The vibrator was sliding down onto my core, the lower part of it still on my clit and my toes started curling. 

"Draco— I'm gonna—"

A hard slap across my ass was what I was given, the vibrator being taken away. "You cum when I say you can. Not when you think you can. Understand?"

He pushed the toy back onto my clit, and I couldn't even answer with how much I was moaning. But then he slapped my ass again, this time harder, and I choked out, "Y—Yes."

He pushed the button on the toy, making it go higher and fuck, my entire body was about to start tingling. Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes, my hands were gripping his sheets so hard my knuckles were white. My core was throbbing, begging for release and I knew if he kept it there any longer I would've came all over him.

"Do you want to cum?" He asked me, rubbing the toy up and down on my pussy, my body tensing so hard it hurt. I nodded, that wasn't enough for him, so he slapped my ass again and then massages it afterwards. "Tell me, Marilyn. Do you want to cum?"

"Yes," I cried out, the feeling right there, but he pulled away as soon as I said it. I choked back a sob, hearing him chuckle while he pushed me up and on the bed again, off his lap while I laid there with tears in my eyes.

He unbuckled his pants, tossed them to the floor and slid down his boxers. He was harder than I'd ever seen, and I wasn't sure that was possible. His tip was swollen and pink, leaking with pre cum. "Lick it off," he demanded, his voice low.

I shifted upwards, my teary eyes looking at him smirk while my pussy throbbed, and I took his cock in my hand and licked from the bottom, up. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and pushed my mouth further down on him, a small sigh leaving his lips.

"If you be a good girl, I'll let you." He pulled me off and let me lay back down, "Understand?"


He wiped the tear from off of the corner of my eye, and aligned at my entrance, his hands on either side of me and his entire body hovering over me. "Who do you want, Marilyn."

Another sob left my mouth when he pushed his tip in, "You, Draco— I want you—"

He pushed into me all the way, his cock going all the way inside and I let out another moan. "Then you better moan my fucking name, Marilyn. I'm gonna fuck you so hard you're gonna forget everybody else exists."

I nodded, my eyes fluttering open to see him staring down at me while he gave me a hard thrust. I could see it in his eyes, he wanted me to be only his. My pussy pulsated around him, I knew I wasn't gonna last long.

He got the bullet again, and turned it on, putting it directly on my clit and I moaned out in pleasure. "Nobody else will ever, see you like this. Nobody." He gripped my chin, "Look at me, Darling. Nobody will ever touch you besides me. You are mine."

I waited so long for him to say it that it made me clench down on him when he gave another thrust, this time, he leaned up and took my waist in his hands, lifted me up to shove his entire cock inside of me and start pounding into me.

"Safe word is green." He told me again, and I was confused until he grabbed a small little knife, setting down the vibrator and putting the knife to my thigh.

"Draco— I just wanna cum—"

"You can cum," he told me, looking at me, still fucking me so hard the bed was shaking. "Just trust me. Do you trust me?"

I love you.

"Yes," it came out as a whimper, my walls clenching so hard that I was seeing stars. The knife was cutting into my skin, and someone the only thing I could feel was my cum coating his cock as he rode me through my orgasm, a smirk on his face.

When he was done, he pulled out, and grabbed my body to sink onto my shaking knees. My thigh was bleeding, but neither of us cared as he sunk into my mouth, a moan leaving his lips at the connection.

"Good girl, taking my cock in her mouth." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, his Adam's apple so prominent that I started to bob my head faster while his hand slid into my hair. "Gonna make Daddy cum?"

I swirled my tongue around the tip, watching his hips jerk and fall backwards but I kept going until he moaned loudly, and warm liquid slid down my throat, waiting for me to swallow it.

He slowly pulled out, and my mouth felt so full that it was hard to swallow it all. I licked his cock clean when I swallowed, and cleaned him up with my mouth while I could feel my cum dripping out of me.

"Come on, Angel." He picked me up, my thigh burning when he did so, and he carried me to the bathroom.

I don't know when I'm gonna be able to say the L word, I just hope he doesn't leave me when I do.

𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒| 𝐃.𝐌.| 18+Where stories live. Discover now