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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

I can't concentrate on this test.

She's everywhere in my mind, her and the baby. Last week I got to not only touch her, but I got to feel her stomach. I kissed it. And it made me feel like I could be with her.

But I can't.

And I won't.

I need to stay away from her, or I'm going to get myself hurt.

I sat next to Theodore, and i looked over at his test to see he hasn't got shit on his paper either. I bet if Marilyn was sitting next to me, I'd have all the answers right now. She's smart as fuck, but she's all the way across the room from me.

The new girl was beside me though.

I leaned over and looked at her paper, seeing she has some of the answers but mine were completely different from hers. That's a problem. She's probably dumb as hell and she stinks too. But for some reason she decides to touch my arm, and it alarmed me more than it should have.

My mind went back to Astoria.

I scooted my chair closer to Theodore, and looked up to see Marilyn already staring at me. I wanted to hold her, I wanted to kiss her like I did last week. But I can't. Not anymore.

The new girl moved her chair, I forgot what her name was. Evie? Even? Ever?

An hour later, the tests were handed in and I was walking out of the classroom when I saw Marilyn and Harry talking. She seemed scared, and then I remembered the mark he made on her. I clenched my fists together. How the fuck could I forget?

I walked up to them, grabbed potter by the neck and slammed him into the wall. My fists collided with his face, and then his jaw, leaving him on the ground. I could hear people talking, and I could also hear Marilyn's grumbling about how I need to not do this in the middle of the hallway.

And she pulled me away.

"Draco, what is wrong with you-"

"It's Malfoy to you," I cut her off sharply, looking around to see if anybody was watching us talk. "He deserved what he got, now leave me the fuck alone."

I don't know why I'm such a dick to her, I'm so used to being rude that it comes out so easily. I hate it.

Just like I hate her.


"So, the girl. Is she like, your girlfriend?" Ever asked me, I decided to stick her name with that. Ever.

And Marilyn's more like my baby mamma then anything.

"No," I responded, trying to eat in peace. Theo and Blaise sat across from me, in there own little work while we basically waited for Marilyn and Pansy to show up. "She's not."

A pleased smile made it's way onto her face, "Thats good to know. I'm rich you know.."

I drowned her out the moment Marilyn walked in, her curls in a bun- I wanted to pull it down. As soon as she walked in I didn't care about any other girl, Evers getting on my nerves anyways. Pansy and Marilyn room there seats, but the only difference was they sat next to me, because Blaise and Theo were across from me.

Marilyn happened to sit by me the closest.

I looked at her, and she gave me a snarl. "What are you looking at?" I shook my head and face away, but I didn't miss the way she turned to Pansy and asked her if anything was on her face.

"See? She gets all of your attention," Ever complained, and Marilyn heard her.

She turned her head to Ever, and she looked her up and down despite us being sat down. I'd say it didn't turn me on that she was jealous, but it did.

"Will you stop leaning over? I don't like your tits, leave me alone." I told her, watching her roll her eyes and sit up straight so she wasn't trying to push her boobs out.

She huffed, "I can give you an heir, you know? Your family's rich, your parents are gonna want-"

Marilyn busted into a fit of giggles. I can't tell if it's because Theodore just snorted out a piece of bacon out of his nose or because Ever wants to have a baby with me. I looked back at Marilyn, she was already looking at me.

Her hands pinched my ear, and brought me down to her mouth. "You get somebody else pregnant.." her other hand grabbed my dick, I jumped. "This won't ever be useful again." She pushed me back up, and I had to act like nothing happened.

Is she jealous? Upset? I can't tell, she's hard to read right now. The walls in her head are back up, it makes me slightly happy to see her laughing with her brother.

"So, Draco," Theo turns to me across the table, "You think it'd be okay with your parents if me and Marilyn stayed at your place for winter break?"

The smile on Marilyn's face dropped, and she looked to me like she was pleading me to say they wouldn't mind.

"Yeah, I'm sure they won't mind." I told him calmly, but I gripped Marilyn's thigh in my hand and looked at her face heating up. "I know mum won't, and my dad doesn't have much control over me anymore."

Marilyn looked back up at me, "Control?"

I raised my eyebrow at her, "Like discipline? Not actual control, Nott."

She shook her head, getting up off the table. Her fade scrunched up, and she started to walk out of the great hall looking like she was going to throw up. I don't get it.

What'd I say?

I just told her my dad doesn't have any control over me anymore, I didn't think that was anything bad. Theo got up too, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I should- probably go too.." his feet hurried out of the great hall, and I looked at Blaise and Pansy.

I searched there faces with answers, "What the fuck is that about?"

Pansy shook her head, "Not our business to tell, Malfoy."

I rolled my eyes, but got up and left the great hall, not noticing the new bitch was following me.




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