➪ 𝓼𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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[this chapter broke my heart, and there is a TW in it, so please be prepared.]

Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

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Dʀᴀᴄᴏ Mᴀʟғᴏʏ•

When I opened the doors to the great hall, almost every girl stared at me, as usual.

But, for the first time ever, my eyes searched for a certain girl that I couldn't find. I hadn't seen Marilyn in two weeks. Im worried, she won't talk to Theodore or me. Elliot isn't gone, it turns out he left transferring to hogwarts. And Evelyn hasn't caught my eye anywhere, I don't know if she's even here.

I'd go by Marilyn's dorm everyday and give her food, and some nights, it would be bad. I'd need her. I don't know why, but all I start seeing is Astoria and Evelyn and I'd grab a blanket and sleep outside of her dorm. I didn't knock, I know I have no right.

I watched Elliot sit down with potter, a scowl on my face. He got sorted into Gryffindor, and Theo and Blaise don't seem to mind, neither does Pansy.

"I'm not hungry," I heard Pansy say as I sat down.

This table was so quiet without Marilyn. "Has anybody seen her outside her dorm? Surely she has to eat, I mean—"

"I've been giving her food, I don't know if she's been eating though." I cut Theo off, picking at my own food. "I'm trying to do her work as well as mine but I'm falling behind—"

"Why do you even care?" Theodore cut me off, his face set cold. "It's not like this isn't your fault. We know you two had another argument, and you took it to far like always. So tell me, Malfoy, why do you care?"

I clenched my jaw, "Because she's carrying my child, dipshit. She has to eat."

Pansy sighed, "But you never acted like you cared about her child, so why now?"

Her child.

It dawned on me then, that I'd never be apart of this child's life. I'd never get to be a better father than my own, and I'd never be able to help her through it either.

"If you haven't even tried to apologize, Draco, then it's still very much your fault." Blaise stated, his face showing no emotion.

Theo leaned up on the table, "Can you go? I don't really like seeing the reason my sisters not here right in front of me."

Oh, okay.

I tried to look like I didn't care, but no matter how hard I tried, tears still welled up in my eyes.

"Okay, you see this right here?" I watched Neville point to a leaf, and then explain what was on it.

He was my tutor for herbology, I was falling behind in everything. It's been a month since Pansy Theodore or Blaise talked to me, I really had no one. Except Neville. Even when we're not tutoring we'd sit in the common room late at night and talk about plants. Well, he would. I'd listen.

I haven't seen Marilyn either, but I know shes out of her dorm with how happy Theodore looks. They're all happy without me, and it hurts. It hurts more than I expected.

"Malfoy?" Neville tapped my arm, and I snapped my eyes to him. "Sorry— am I talking to much? I can slow down—"

"You're okay, longbottom. I'm listening," I clenched my jaw and continued to listen to him, with a heavy heart.

The doors to the library opened, and my eyes didn't even want to look and see who it was. I could tell who it was, it was Astoria, and I didn't want to see her. I don't think I could without seeing her trying to touch me and I didn't want it.

I pulled the sleeves to my hoodie down further than my palm, and gritted my teeth at the feeling on my wrists.

"Listen, can you come to the common later? I really have to go," I told Neville softly, my voice coming out as a mere whisper, throat closing in on me.

He nodded his head, not looking disappointed. "Yeah— of course! I'll see you later."

I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder, practically speed walking out of the library, and thankfully Astoria didn't see me. My hoodie felt like it was choking me, sweat was about to start falling down my face. What's wrong with me?

The prefects bathroom was my closest thing I could get too, and eventually, I was stopped by Elliot coming out of the bathroom first.

He caught my eye and smirked, looking me up and down. "Not looking too good, Malfoy. Did mommy take away the allowance?"

I shook my head, "Leave me alone."

That's the only comeback I have? That's so pathetic.

He widened his smirk, and the next thing I know he's walking towards me. "You know, I can understand why you had such a hold on Marilyn. She's good, tight too."

My heart shattered, lower lip staring to quiver. I've never cried this much in my life, and I don't know why I just started. "She— she wouldn't."

He chuckled, and I wanted to throw a punch at his face, but I didn't have enough energy to do that. "Oh, but she would. You hurt her, Draco. And who'd she come running to? Me. I was here before you, and I'll always be first."

My knees were starting to buckle, but I was trying with everything I had to stay up. I couldn't even say anything back. My heart was shattering more by the second, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

"And you know, I was angry when I found out you knocked her up," he stepped forward again, and I shook my head, getting angrier. "Because I never thought she'd be such a slut to sleep with you, but she did—"

I threw a punch at him, knocking him in the jaw. That was a mistake, but he doesn't get to call her a slut.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground, Elliot continuing to punch my face repeatedly. I felt none of it, if anything it was just putting me to sleep. I gave up, he doesn't deserve her, but he has her.

He leaned down in my ear when he was done, my throat choking on my own blood. "Just so you know, I'm gonna be a father to that baby. Not you. It will never be you."

It won't ever be me. I've got nobody.

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