6| Beach Fight

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Season 1, chapter 6:

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Season 1, chapter 6:

We all immediately hop into action. Kie and I flirted our way into getting the Keg while the boys messaged people about the boneyard. Kie and I decided to meet the boys at the beach since we still had to get changed.

'Does this look good?' I ask as I enter my room grabbing the attention of my mom and Kie. I am wearing a pair of ripped denim shorts and a black printed bandana top with a pair of strappy heeled shoes. 'You look beautiful!' My mother exclaims as she stands up and gently grabs my hands. 'You get your beauty from me.' She states nudging me gently in the side, Kie and I burst out laughing. 'Thanks, mom.' I say softly as I wrap my hands around her neck and pull her in for a hug. 'JJ is going to be so excited to see you.' Kie winks at me and a smirk appears on my mother's face as I roll my eyes. 'No, he won't.' I scoff crossing my arms. 'Yes, he will. He's head over heels for you, Lizzie.' Kie states as a devilish smirk appears on her face. 'I told you, you two would be cute together. Why don't you tell him how you feel?' My mother asks and my eyes widen in shock. 'I don't..' I deny but my mother cuts me off. 'Don't lie to me, Elizabeth Summer Hart.' My mother says sternly pointing at me and I roll my eyes. 'Ugh, fine. I do like him a lot. But nothing will ever happen between us.' I admit throwing my hands in the air. 'Why not?' My mother asks furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as Kie lets out a sigh. 'No Pogue on Pogue macking.' Kie and I say in unison. 'Oh, that rule you guys made up when you were kids. Pfft, who cares about that and love is love, sweetheart.' my mother tells me with a smile. 'You deserve to be happy and if JJ gives you that then tell him.' My mother says softly placing her hand on mine.

'I'll think about it.' I mutter as I walk over to my desk and apply some mascara and lip gloss. 'Okay, well you two have a fun night and don't stay out too late.' My mother tells us and we both nod in agreement. 'Tell the boys I said hi.' My mother adds before placing a kiss on my cheek and leaves the room. 'JJ and Lizzie, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G...' Kie chants as she begins to dance with excitement. 'Shut up!' I yell at her throwing a pillow at her and she bursts out laughing. 'Come on, let's go so you can spend all evening cuddling up with your boyfriend.' Kie says sarcastically. 'He's not..' I go to speak but she cuts me off as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room.


Once Kie and I arrive at the beach, it was already packed with so many Kooks, Pogues and Tourons dancing, drinking, and making out around the beach. 'How are we ever going to find them?' Kie groans with annoyance. 'Simple. Just follow the people with drinks. We will be bound to find JJ then.' I say as I grab Kie's hand and we walk through the crowd of people, looking for the boys. You can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. As JJ and John B say, it's like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, the working class derelicts from The Cut. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from fancy ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Everyone, I mean everyone went to the boneyard. It was a great event to come to if you want to get away from your problems, family, or just relax. For me, I come to the boneyard to let loose, dance and have a good time with my friends, and forget about the past.

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