25| We Did It, Baby!

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Season 1, chapter 25:

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Season 1, chapter 25:

'Uh oh! You forget your keys or something?' Pope calls out as we drive up to Heyward's boat and see Kie and Sarah waiting for us. 'Sarah? You're alive?' I say astonished as Kie rolls her eyes. 'You need a tow?' John b teases. 'You gotta admit, it was kinda funny.' John b smirks. 'John b.' Kie says sternly. 'Mastermind, huh?' Kie questions and he smiles. 'I'm always planning.' John b states. 'Some patriarchal bullshit.' Kie says angrily. 'Yeah, that sucked.' Sarah states.

'You still love us though, right?' JJ asks them. 'Yeah, whatever.' Kie mutters grabbing the rope and trying it to the HMS Pogue. 'Hey, you still hate me.' John b asks Sarah, smirking at her. 'A little. We're both gonna get you back when you least expect it.' Sarah replies threateningly. 'Watch your back, boys.' Kie says seriously as she winks at me. 'I welcome that challenge.' Pope says. 'Me too.' JJ agrees. 'So, did you guys, you know...' I begin to ask. 'Reconcile our differences? Not even close.' Kie states. 'But, we're willing to work together.' She says glancing at Sarah. 'You know what? That's victory.' John b exclaims. 'Yep. Know why? Hydroponic.' JJ says. 'Don't say that.' Pope tells him. 'All right, shut up. Are you guys ready to jack someone up?' John B orders. A smile breaks out on all our faces. The girls climb onto the HMS Pogue. 'Yeah, whatever.' Kie rolls her eyes. We immediately headed back to the Chateau and got the Twinkie to drive to the Crain House.

'Alright, you guys got a rope?' John b checks from the front seat. I sit in the backseat beside JJ. 'Yep.' I nod in confirmation. 'Grappling hook?' he continues to ask. 'We don't have a grappling hook. We're not Batman.' Pope answers as I laugh at his remark. 'Pulley?' John b asks. 'Check.' Kie replies. 'Dark clothes?' He adds. 'Yes, John b.' I confirm. 'Flashlights?' John b asks as I roll my eyes. 'We have everything, come on.' I state as he pulls the Twinkie to a stop outside the Crain House. 'Let's go get rich, guys.' JJ exclaims. 'Hell yeah.' I say throwing my arm over his shoulder as he and I walk towards the wall. 'Wait, wait.' John b urges us as he stops. 'What?' I say impatiently. 'I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot that you're here tonight.' John b smiles softly as I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder. 'Were family. I wouldn't leave you behind.' I say pulling him in for a hug. 'You're my brother, John b.' I smile softly as we pull apart. 'All right, we done with this circle jerk?' Can we go do this?' JJ asks impatiently. 'Yeah.' Kie replies. 'Let's get that wheat in the water.' Pope smiles. 'Weed? I'm up for weed.' JJ exclaims. 'Wheat, JJ.' I correct him.

I walk up to the stone wall and host myself up onto the wall before jumping over to the other side. The rest of the group jumps over as a porch light flicks on, scaring him. We all hurry to duck down behind some bushes. 'Go, go, go.' John bushes us. 'Shit!' I cuss. 'Flashlights!' Kie demands. we all rush to turn them off except JJ. 'It's in strobe!' He curses before turning it off. 'Okay, so she had motion sensor lights.' Pope states and I let out a sigh. 'We could, uh..move slowly, maybe?' JJ suggests and we all look at him. 'Yeah, that's not how it works.' Pope states and JJ sighs.

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