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Season 2, chapter 40:

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Season 2, chapter 40:

"Alright, love birds, let's do this," Cleo smirks, waving her stop sign, which was designated to be a part of the distractions. I helped load the truck. Cleo had given me a jacket to put over my tank top and a hat that would shield my face from any potential recognition.

I got up onto the truck and sat upon one of the crates that was stowed there. As Cleo began to drive, my catch caught the wind while it was cool. We rode a few more miles before Cleo dropped us off at our station, where we'd take the truck from Ward. Now, all we had to do was wait patiently.

A few minutes later, the phone buzzes in my pocket. It's Stubbs calling with a check-in. "They got a truck and two defenders." He states. "But just my dad in the truck and the gold, right?" Sarah asks. "It's two in the truck," Stubbs confirms. John B glances between Sarah and me. "Two?" John B questions. "Rafe." Sarah sighs. My heart dropped to my stomach at what she just said. Rafe's here. Rafe is here. Oh My God. I'm going to have a panic attack. He's here. The thought of possibly seeing him again felt so nice, but then would it be a warm welcome? Would he run to me and kiss me? Be happy I'm alive? Or....would he kill me?

I was brought out of my trance of thought as I heard the truck start up over the phone. "Two defenders. Front and back." Stubbs states. "Armed?" I question. "To the teeth." He replies and I let out a sigh. "Pistols?" Terrance asks through the phone. "AKs," Stubbs confirms. "Shit is about to be hot," Terrance mutters hanging up the phone.

John B and I began to load the guns that Terrance had given us.  Sarah receives a text from one of the kids on the island, confirming that the trucks moved past the first checkpoint. Soon enough, the islanders would have Ward and Rafe going down the road leading them right to the trap. Another text came through, reading it; No escort.

"Here we go." John B mutters. John B, Sarah and I grab the cloth mask Cleo had given us and I pulled it around my neck and above my nose. Sarah and John B mimicked me. My eyes widen at the sound of tires rumbling over the dirt and metal clanging along itself. I raised my eyes, seeing that the truck was only half a mile away.

I watch as Cleo lifts her stop sign into the air and the truck comes to a sudden stop. Ward and Rafe's features could now be seen through the front window. My heart beats rapidly against my chest at the sight of Rafe. Why does he still have this effect on me? I shouldn't be feeling this way for him. Not anymore. Not after everything that happened. But I do. I am ridiculously mesmerised by Rafe Cameron. My heart has beat me. I can't help it. I like him. He's everything I should avoid, but everything I so badly want. Guilt eating me up at the thought of thinking of Rafe like that and not JJ.

I watched as Rafe and Ward got to their knees on the ground. Terrance, holding Ward at gunpoint, and Cleo, holding the tip of her knife on the back of Rafe's neck. For some reason, I wanted to run over and knock her out. She could kill him. I don't want him to die. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't care what happens to Ward, but Rafe...If the Pogues ever found out about my feelings for him, I would be cast aside. Dead to them.

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