41| Coppers

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Fear consumed me as I glance at the mirror and see a very pale looking Sarah struggling to bleed. The look on John Bs face will forever haunt me. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay." I try to assure the both of them with a faint smile. "I'm just gonna follow this GPS, okay." I say as Sarah begins to cry. "Just hang on. Everything's gonna be fine." John b says softly, kissing the top of her head.

Turn left on State Road. The GPS on the phone spoke but then I drop the phone. "Shit! I need the directions." I mutter swerving on to the left lane as I bend down to pick it up. Car were honking at me. "Lizzie, car!" John B shouts grabbing my attention as I quickly sit up and swerve the car back onto the right lane, just missing the car. Sarah begins to cry tremendously as I turn the car down another lane.

John B leans over and picks up the phone for me. Your destination is in 2.3 miles. The GPS voice speaks again. Within minutes I pull to a quick stop outside the location and quickly get out and open Sarah's door to help John b get her out. I run over to the door and press the buzzer repeatedly. "What do you want?" A voice comes from the box. "I'm looking for Dr. Nygard." I say urgently.

"Dr. Nygard's not here." John b and I glance at each other. "Do you know where I can find him." I ask impatiently. "Who are you?" The voice asks as I roll my eyes. We don't have time for this nonsense. "I'm a friend of Terrance's." I announce. "Someone's been shot!" I state. "Oh hell! There's a camera above to your left. Look at me and let me see your faces." The three of us immediately do as he orders and look at the camera.

"All right, go through the bar. There's some stairs on the right." The voice says. "Thank you. Thank you." I say repeatedly as John B and me help Sarah inside. John b starts yelling for help as we struggle to get her upstairs. "Hey, come on. Oh!" A man comes into view in front of us. "It's not her head, is it?" He asks. "No, it's not her head." John b answers. "I don't do heads." The man states and I roll my eyes as examines Sarah's wound.
"Go to the left over there." He says. I kick open the door as John b brings Sarah inside into a small room and lays her on top of a table. John B kisses Sarah's head as I stand back and begin to bite my nails with worry. This can't be happening, right now. The doctor and John b stand over Sarah as John b unzips her shorts to show the doctor the wound. "She's gonna be okay, right?" John b asks.

"That remains to be seen." The doctor replies and my eyes widen in shock at his uncertainty. I turn my back to them, I can't watch this. I walk out of the room slowly, closing the door behind me. Once I was certain I was alone, I fall to my knees on the concrete floor and breakdown crying. I can't lose her. We can't lose her. How will John B cope without her? How will the Pogues react if we go home without Sarah? This isn't how it was supposed to end. We should be home, back at the Chateau, getting high and having fun. I should be with my parents. I shouldn't be here.

I didn't realise how long past until I hear a scream from inside. My eyes widen as I burst open the door and run back inside. The sight in front of me terrified me. John B was giving CPR to Sarah. She wasn't moving. "No, no, no..." I cry out as I run over to the table and see the doctor beginning to walk away. "She just lost too much blood, kids. I'll leave you with her." He says. John b begins to do CPR again on her as I grab her hand a squeeze it tightly, kissing it. "Don't leave us, please." I sob as I look over to John B and he begins to cry as Sarah doesn't respond.

"Stay with me." He begs before giving her mouth to mouth. "Hey, come on." He begs grabbing her face and shaking it a little bit. "Hey! Please don't die." John b pleads with her and I close my eyes. I couldn't bare to watch my best friend, my brother, begging for the girl he loves to come back to him. It was all too much.  My heart couldn't handle the agony. "Come on. Come on. Wake up!" John B yells as he continues CPR.

John B grabs the chair beside him and tosses it across the room and I gasp at his action. "John B..." I sniffle ask I walk over to him and grab his arms. I pull him in for a hug, holding him tightly as he sobs onto my shoulder. After a moment, he breaks apart from the hug and kneels down beside Sarah, resting his shoulder on hers. My eyes widen when I notice the machine begin to beep again. I quickly check her pulse. "Doc? Get in here." I shout urgently and he comes back into the room.

The doctor looks at Sarah than to John B and me, and he smiles at us. John b sits down on the chair in shock as I grab his shoulder and squeeze it. "She's okay." I assure him as he places his hand in mine. "She just needs to rest for a few minutes." The doctor says as we walk into his office and close the door.

"You have to be somewhere?" He asks us. I glance at John b but before we could answer, Sarah walks into the room. We all quickly get up out of our chairs. "How long did I sleep?" She asks. "Not long enough." John b says. "Can we still make it?" She asks. "No. No. It's over, okay?" John b replies. "No it's not." Sarah shakes her head. "We still have an hour." She states. "You need to rest. You got shot" John b tells her. "I am fine." She grunts. "We're going." Sarah orders.

We thank the doctor than we leave the building. I quickly stop when I see the police car. "Shit." John b curses. "You got a little heat on you, don't you?." The doctor asks and I look at Sarah and John b hesitantly. "I e been there, and I've done that." He shrugs. "But I got an idea." He says grabbing our attention. He brings us out to the back of the building and hands the keys to John b. "Thanks, Doc." I smile as Sarah gets into the car. John b gets into the driver seat and I hop into the backseat. We say farewell to the doctor and John b begins to drive off.

Driving back to the port, we get stopped by the police and told to turn around. Before we drive off, my eyes widen in shock. At what the police were taking. The gold. Our fucking gold. "We lost the gold." I curse hitting the chair. "I'm sorry, Sarah." John b says. One police officers looks at us suspiciously. "Go, John B. Go!" I order as John b starts the car and drives away quickly while the police chase after us. We drive down different roads to get rid of them. Then all of a sudden, John b hits someone and puts them flying. "You just hit a person." Sarah gasps. I immediately get out of the car to check on the person.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." I hear John B whispers as he begins to panic. I run to the person, kneeling down beside them, moving them so I could see their face. Cleo looks up at me, groaning in pain. "Cleo?" I gasp. "Some freaking rescue!" She groans in pain. John B immediately helps her up, slowly when people begin to phone for the police. "Where'd you get your license?" Cleo asks sarcastically and I hold back my laugh as we get back in the car. "The great State of North Carolina." John B replies.

"Hey! How'd you make it through, girl?" Cleo exclaims looking at Sarah, forgetting she was nearly killed by John B. "Are you okay?" Sarah asks with concern. "Just a scrape. I went up and over. Been through worse." She answers and I let out a sigh. Just how much did she go through? All of a sudden, the sound of police sirens in the distance caught our attention. I locked eyes with John B. "We need to get out of here now!" I order him and he nods, starting the car and speeding off down the road.

"What happened back there? We went to the Playboy, and that place was hot! Cops were everywhere." I speak up. "We waiting for you guys to show up, and the coppers came." Cleo mutters. "They came from every direction. I jumped overboard." Cleo finishes and my eyes widen in shock. "Well, what about Terrance and Stubbs?" John B asks. "I heard gunshots." Cleo replies looking down at the ground and I let out a sigh. Hopefully, nothing bad happened to them.

"What?" Sarah gasps. "I ran. I wanted to shoot it out with them, but it was too many." Cleo says looking out the window for the cops. We turn down another road only to be met by two police cars. "Speed up, John B!" I yell as I see the cops gaining on us.

To Be Continued...

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