4| Motel

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Season 1, chapter 4:

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Season 1, chapter 4:

'Guys, he's right.' I confirm as I take off my top and dive into the water, after a moment the others join in after me. 'You think there's a dead body down there?' Pope asks and I shrug. 'Only one way to find out.' I reply before inhaling a deep breath, swimming underwater towards the sunken boat. I force my eyes open as the water burns my eyes, but I didn't care at the moment. There was a fricking boat right in front of my eyes.

My eyes widen in shock as I swim closer and notice it's a Grady White. We all examine the boat for anything, but there was nothing to be found. My lungs start to burn from the lack of oxygen, so I quickly use the top of the boat to boost me up to the surface. 'You guys saw that, right?' I question as I couldn't believe what I had just seen and they all nod in confirmation as they catch their breaths. 'That's a Grady White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy.' JJ exclaims as a smile appears on his face. We all swim over to the boat and hop back on as Kie and I wrap our hair in a towel. 'That's a primo rig.' JJ speaks up. 'Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge.' John b says astonished and all our eyes widen in shock while JJ had a proud smile spread across his face. 'You surfed the surge? WITHOUT ME!!' I argue looking between John B and Pope and they both nervously chuckle at me. 'Sorry.' He murmurs and I roll my eyes. 'That's my boy. Pogue style.' JJ says proudly as he and John B do our group handshake. 'What the heck?' Kie snaps at him. 'Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?' Pope asks, changing the subject and I shake my head. 'We're about to find out.' John B replies, opening the storage door on the floor of the boat. 'Dude, it's too deep.' JJ states. 'Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ.' John B replies. 'Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear upfront.' JJ says, I roll my eyes looking at him. 'That's fine.' John B says as he picks up the anchor and walks to the side of the boat 'John B.' Kie speaks up, grabbing all our attention. 'What?' he chuckles, looking at her. 'Diver down, fool.' Pope salutes him. 'Diver down.' John B sighs. 'Yeah, he is.' JJ says, pushing him into the water.

After a few moments, John B resurfaces, I let out a sigh of relief as he inhales trying to get oxygen to his lungs. 'Oh my God. That took forever.' Kie sighs as she looks between us all. 'Any dead bodies?' Pope asks and I furrow my eyebrows as I glance at him. 'No.' John b denies. 'I found this motel key, though.' He states, lifting his hand revealing a key.  'A key.' I groan with annoyance as I lean back onto the boat. 'Yes, a key, Lizzie.' John B confirms as JJ pulls up the anchor. 'Great! We salvaged a motel key.' JJ says sarcastically as he sits down beside me and hands me a beer, I smile at him as I take the beer and down it. 'Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard.' Kie advises us and I shake my head in disagreement. 'Maybe we'll get a finder's fee.' She adds as John B starts up the boat and drives away. 'Yeah and not work all summer.' JJ tells us. The downside of summer was that we had to work even more to get money. I would either babysit for a few neighbors or work at the Wreck with Kie. 'Thanks, Agatha, ya batch.' JJ mutters as we drive back to shore.

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