7| Scuba Gear

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Season 1, chapter 7:

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Season 1, chapter 7:

We all sit in silence outside by the shed, I am laying across the couch, resting my head on Pope's lap as he studies for his scholarship. JJ's sitting at the table as Kie plays the ukulele. The tension from last night rings through the air as I play with my hair anxiously, waiting for someone to break the awkward silence. After a moment, my eyes follow the direction of the sound of a stone being hit off against the tree. My eyes instantly meet JJ's as he repeatedly hits a stone off the tree, one thing JJ hated was quietness and so did I. The quietness meant that our minds could freely wander and overthink about stuff. And I wasn't in the mood to think about my past even though it's the only thing that haunts my mind.

My cheeks burn bright red and butterflies erupt in my mind as my mind replays last night's events, JJ and I slept beside each other. He held me so close to him all night as he slept soundly beside me with one hand wrapped around me. He slept like a baby and I stayed up half the night admiring him. But once the sun rose, he went back to being the hot-headed, impulsive, and stubborn old JJ. He was still fuming after last night and pissed off with Topper. 'Look, I'm calling it off. All right?' John B speaks up as he joins us by the shed, breaking the silence. 'Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS.' He continues as my eyes widen in shock. It wasn't like John B to back down from an adventure and I was pretty much surprised. 'When did Peterkin talk to you?' I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 'This morning. She dropped by before you and JJ got here.' John B answers. 'And you believe her?' JJ asks as he scoffs. 'Yes, I believe her, JJ.' John B replies. 'An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop.' JJ argues as he throws a stone into the water aggressively.

'All I got to do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out.' John B states. 'And it doesn't help that your ass was shooting a gun.' John B argues to JJ. 'You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass.' JJ argues back and my eyes widen in shock at his words. JJ!' I gasp as he looks over at me and his eyes soften. 'Yeah because Topper was gonna drown me.' John B replies, scoffing slightly. 'Sure looked like it.' JJ snaps at him. 'Funny.' John B laughs at him. 'Have you looked in the mirror recently?' JJ asks sarcastically as he walks closer to John B. 'Come on. Tell me some more. Come on.' John B urges him as JJ clenches his fist in anger. 'They always win, don't they, man?' JJ speaks up clenching his jaw in anger as he leans against the shed. 'Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win.' He snaps as he punches one of the bogeys hanging from the shed. 'Goddamn.' He yells as he turns around. 'Look, it's okay.' Kie tries to reassure him. 'No, it's not okay.' JJ yells back. 'It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it.' JJ says as he looks at John B. 'You know it too.' He states, pointing towards me and I nod. JJ is right. Something was going on and I wasn't someone that would turn my back on a good adventure especially one that involves the law. It's more adrenaline-rushing when the police are involved.

'And I understand why you don't want to go. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to lose.' He says looking at Pope. 'And you..I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway.' He scoffs looking at Kie and she rolls her eyes. 'And Lizzie..you have an amazing family. You're so lucky to have a perfect family unlike us.' He states pointing between himself and John b and I let out a sigh. 'Why would you three bother?' He questions and he nods when none of us reply. 'But you and me, man, we got nothing to lose! And I know it didn't use to be that way for you—' JJ states and my eyes widen in shock as John B snaps at him. 'I don't want to talk about this.' John b mutters slyly, cutting JJ off. He pushes past him and shakes his head. 'I don't want to talk about it.' He mutters once again. 'So that's it?' JJ asks in disbelief as he follows after him. 'John b, listen to me. I have a plan.' JJ shrugs, grabbing all our attention.

Pope, Kie, and I share an unsure look. It was very common that any of JJ's plans or ideas never really worked out and we always ended up in some kind of trouble. Which, I love about him. He keeps us on our toes and his plans mostly always involve running in with the law. 'This should be good.' Kie mutters to Pope as I lean back on the armchair and take out my blunt and light it before taking a long hit from it. 'You have the key to Cameron's big boat, right?' JJ questions and I roll my eyes as I start to acknowledge his plan. 'There's scuba gear. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you?' JJ cocks his eyebrows and John b lets out a huff as he grabs the keys and walks to the Twinkie. 'John b! Where are you going?' I call out. 'The Cameron's.' He answers before starting the ignition and driving away. 'Great, JJ. You're going to get him to put in jail someday.' I scoff and he lets out a light chuckle. 'He'll never end up in there, Liz. Trust me.' JJ smirks sending a wink my way before grabbing my blunt and takes a hit from it, earning a clip behind the ears from me.


We should have learned a long time ago to never listen to JJ. He's full of bad ideas, like getting John b to steal from his rich boss, or the time he tricked me into giving Heyward a watermelon without knowing there was a small firecracker inside. But this time....he was kinda right. John B and he had nothing to lose and I will do anything to have a good summer even if it means stealing some scuba gear from rich pricks and going on a treasure hunt.

I decided to go home for a bit and wait for John B to come back to the others with the scuba gear and collect me. I went for a quick cold shower and just chilled outside my backyard while my mother's doing the laundry and my dad's mowing the lawn. 'You okay, flower?' My father speaks up from across the yard and I glance up as I hop out of my hammock. 'Just thinking.' I shrug as I approach him, he stops the lawnmower and turns to face me. 'You wanna talk about it?' He asks furrowing his eyebrows with a soft smile and I chuckle. 'No, it's nothing. Just thinking of things to do for the summer with the Pogues.' I reply crossing my arms. 'Ah, the Pogues. Well, you guys could always go to your Grandmother's cottage for a few days if you all want to.' He suggests and a faint smile appears on my face. 'Maybe.' I say softly. 'Thanks, dad.' I exclaim pulling him in for a hug and he picks me up and spins me in the air before placing me back down. 'I'm sure you'll come up with a good idea soon, don't worry too much about the summer.' He says to me as we part from our hug. 'I'll try not.' I snicker as I hear a car honk approach. My father and my head whip around to the sound of the honking to see John b pull up in the Twinkie with the other Pogues. JJ is hanging out of the window waving at my dad and me. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

'Adventure awaits you.' My father mutters to me and I smile looking up at him. 'With them. It's always an adventure.' I say sarcastically before pulling my father in for another quick hug. 'See you later, dad.' I smile at him and he nods. 'Don't be late back. Your mother will have your dinner ready.' He tells me as I begin to walk off. 'Yeah, yeah. I'll be back before seven.' I reply as I run over to the Twinkie and hop in, and we drive to the docks. 'You got the gear?' I ask glancing at JJ and John B. 'Yeah.' JJ replies with excitement and I laugh. 'You ready to do this?' Kie questions looking between us all and we all nod in agreement. 'Let's go, Scooby gang.' I exclaim as I wrap my arm around JJ's shoulders and take a hit from his blunt. If only I knew that getting that stupid scuba gear and going to investigate the Grady white boat would ruin my life, I would have stayed home with my family and forgotten all about it. But, we were too blinded by having an adventurous summer to give a care back then.....

To Be Continued...

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