35| Storm

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Season 1, chapter 35:

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Season 1, chapter 35:

It was dark outside now and John B had the boat stopped a good distance from the shore, out of sight. 'It's like the whole sheriff's department is here.' In the distance, on shore all types of officers could be seen running all around the place, big white tents were scattered around the place and blue and red lights shone everywhere. 'Holy shit.' I mutter. 'We'll go dark and let the tide pull us out.' John B says as he turns off the lights on the boat.

We sit in silence as we wait patiently.  Sarah was cuddled up beside John B as I sat behind them with my head resting on my hands. 'We're clear.' John b announces. 'Hey. Hey, we're gonna make it.' Sarah exclaims. 'Yeah, we just gotta go north through the swamp,  then we just follow..' John B informs us. 'Follow the North Star. Sarah says as John b smiles at her.  'John b, look.' I speak up as I point to the shore and notice all the lights switch on.  My eyes widen with fear when I see the lighthouse light turn on and shine straight at the ocean. 'No, no, no.' I panic as the lighthouse light shines at the boat. 'Get down!' John B orders as we duck down.  'That's them! There they are!' The officer could be heard yelling from the shore. 'Shit!' I curse.

'Is it not turning over?' Sarah asks as John b tries to turn off the boat, but the engine just splutters. I begin to panic as my eyes widen when I see the police boats driving out towards us. 'No, it's not turning over.' John b says. 'What do we do?' Sarah asks beginning to panic. 'Check the engine!' John b orders as I rush to the engine. 'Check the choke!' John b calls out as I squeeze the ball. 'Just squeeze the ball!' John b shouts. 'I am!' I yell with frustration as John b rushes over beside me to help. John b rushes back to the steering wheel and turns the key and I sigh in relief when the engine starts.

Sarah and I drop to the floor as John b speeds towards the storm. I look behind me and see the police boats chasing after us. Sarah begins to cry uncontrollably as I pull her close to me. 'Hold on to something.' John b shouts as I grab onto the bar and wrap my arms around Sarah tightly.  'They're coming from around the cut!' I call out. 'We've gotta go south.' John b announces. 'Into the storm?' Sarah questions. 'Yes, into the storm.' John b nods as rain lashes down on us. 'Are you fucking crazy, John b? We'll never make it.' I shout. 'We have to try.' He says and I let out a sigh. 'We can't go back. I won't go back.' John b declares. 

The rain poured down on us as John b got closer to the storm. I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for the impact that's to come. A huge wave rocks the boat, sending enormous amounts of water on board. I grunt as my clothes get even more drenched. 'John B?' A voice speaks from the radio. 'John B, I know you are there, son. I know you can hear me, and if you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter, then you will turn this boat around and come back. You are going into a storm you will not survive. Your best friend, Elizabeth, her parents are here worried sick about her. Do you want to be the reason they lose another child? Turn the boat around.' Ward demands

I clenched my fist in anger at his words. He puts us through so much torture all because he wants the gold. He ruined John's life took his father from him and made me out to be a murderer and I can never see my parents again. 'No, don't listen to him. He's a liar.' Sarah says. 'John B, I am begging you. Think of them and turn around.' Ward begs. John b glances at me and I shake my head. 'Turn this boat around John b and I will jump off this boat into the storm.' I warn him and he lets out a sigh.  As much as I wanted to go back, to see my parents and JJ, I couldn't because I'll be taken away and put in jail. And I'd much rather die than be in a cell for the rest of my life.

'John B, what are you doing?' Sarah asks. 'Ward Cameron, do you hear me?' John b grabs the radio and speaks to him. 'Yes, I'm right here, son. Just bring her back, okay?' Ward speaks up. 'You killed my father, and you framed me and Lizzie for a murder we didn't commit. You took everything from me!' John b cries as tears threaten to break free from my eyes. 'You took everything from me! But I'm still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take what's mine.' John b declares. 'So, you listen to me, all right? I'm coming for you.' John b announces before disconnecting the radio.

'What would you two do if I wasn't here?' Sarah asks. 'Look, I'd rather die than go to jail, Sarah.' John b says. 'Me too.' I announce. 'I'd rather die than be without you.' Sarah says looking at John b. She pulls him in for a long, passionate kiss as I look out into the storm. The boat rocks and I go flying to the side as John B grabs Sarah tightly. 'Hold on!' John b shouts as water crashes into the boat.  Water continues to pound the boat as I close my eyes prepared to die. I was calm, I was ready to go, to see my brother again and be with him. I take a few deep breaths as I imagine JJ sitting beside me. Every single memory we shared went through my head as a smile appeared on my face from all the happy and good times we had together. If I am to die tonight at least I'll die knowing that I lived a good life surrounded by the best people.

A wave hits The Phantom so harshly causing the boat to flip. I gasped as I was submerged in the water. I tried to stay afloat to reach the surface but I couldn't. It was too dark and I was stuck. Wave after wave forced me deeper underwater. My lungs began to burn as I tried to keep my mouth closed. But then I gasped and everything went black.


I regain consciousness as I cough up a mouthful of water. I was floating in the middle of the ocean, my hand gripping onto the capsized Phantom. I groan as my body aches with pain. I squint my eyes as I look around. 'John b! Sarah!' I exclaim as my eyes widen with fear. 'John b?' I call out as I let go of the boat and slide into the water as I swim over to the front. I let out a sigh of relief as I see John b and quickly swim over to him. 'Where's Sarah?' John b coughs. 'Sarah?' I call out. 'John b?' Sarah speaks up weakly. 'Hey! It's okay, I got.' John b exclaims as he swims over to her.

'Oh my god, we did it.' I say astounded. 'We made it!' John b exclaims as I swim over to them and John b wraps his arms around Sarah and my shoulder. 'Hey, look. There's a boat.' Sarah speaks up as she points to the horizon. My eyes widen as I spit the large boat in the distance. We raised our arms as we began yelling for help. 'Hey!' We scream. Sarah grabs the gold and waves it in the air, shining it towards the boat.

I smile as the boat approaches us and the captain reaches down to help us up. I went first as I got hauled onto the first rung of the ladder. My muscles screamed in pain as I hauled myself slowly up. Sarah was next then John b. Once we were up, the captain handed us blankets and we wrapped them around us. 'Oh man, y'all lucky that we come through here. Hey, Larry! Get some coffee on!' A man speaks up. 'Boy, if we wouldn't have seen y'all, y'all's have been a fine pecan.' The man says while he leads us into the engine room. 'Anybody I can call to let them know you're okay?' The captain asks and I shake my head. 'We don't have anybody to call.' I say as I shiver. 'You just made my day a whole lot more interesting.' He chuckles.

'So, where was y'all trying to go?' The man asks glancing at John b. 'Well, we wanted to get out of our old hometown and start fresh. This is my cousin and his girlfriend.' I speak up. 'The captain pursed his lips and nodded. 'Could you just drop us off at the next port?' I ask nicely. 'It doesn't matter where.' Sarah shrugs. The captain glances between Sarah and John b. 'I was young and in love once. Turned into a goddamn disaster. It was fun while it lasted.' The man chuckles and I frown at his words 'Where'd you say you were going again?' John b asks. 'Nassau.' The captain says. I gasped as I looked at Sarah and John b. 'The Bahamas.' Sarah whispers in awe. 'The gold.' I whisper as a smile appears on my face. It looks like things might just work in our favour after all.

To Be Continued...

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