5| The Fucking Gun

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Season 1, chapter 5:

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Season 1, chapter 5:

John B, JJ, and I quickly hop off the edge of the window as JJ picks up the thing he drops and we all hop back onto the HMS Pogue and drive away from the motel. 'Could have warned us a little soon.' I state looking between Kie and Pope. 'We would have except Pope was on the math team.' Kie answers and a small smile appears on my face. 'You were on the math team?' JJ asks Pope in disbelief. 'The cops took everything like it was a crime scene.' Pope comments, changing the topic.

'Did you guys find anything?' Pope asks looking between the three of us and I let out a sigh as I lean back on the boat beside JJ. 'Did we find anything? No, I don't think so. Oh, yeah, we did.' JJ exclaims as he pulls out the gun and a stack of money from his pockets. 'You fucking took the gun?' I yell at him as I stand up and walk away from him. I despise weapons and promised someone very special to me ages ago, that I would never hold a weapon in my life. 'What the hell?' Pope says. 'Dude, what?' Kie questions, standing up beside Pope. 'Why did you take that from a crime scene, JJ? I can't believe you.' I argue as I throw my hands up in the air with frustration. 'Better than the cops having it.' JJ argues back to me and I scoff, as I glare at him. 'I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship.' Pope says annoyedly. 'My parents are going to kill me if they find out what we just did.' Pope says, as I run my hands through my hair anxiously. 'At least you have us, right?' JJ tells Pope and he rolls his eyes. 'I'm living the nightmare.' Pope argues, shoving JJ away from him. JJ looks at us all confused as we drive back to shore in silence.

We all sit outside on the dock, hanging out with each other. We all furrow our eyebrows in confusion as the police pull out a dead body off a boat. 'Who's that?' John B asks some girl that was tagging along with us. 'It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got.' She tells us, as she shows the guys her phone and my eyes widen in shock. 'I need to go home...' I mutter, standing up and grab my bag. 'W..What? Why?' JJ asks as they all look at me confused. 'Scooter was a friend of my dad.' I reply before taking off running down the road towards my house.


'Dad! Dad!' I call out as I run inside my house and pant as I try to catch my breath. 'Flower? What's wrong?' My dad appears from the kitchen and runs over to me. 'Are you okay?' He asks me placing his hands on my shoulder and looks at me worriedly. 'No..' I shake my head. 'Scooter...He's dead. The police pulled out his body from the ocean down at the docks.' I tell him as he steps back and his eyes widen in shock. 'Oh god!' My mother gasps running over beside my dad. 'Where's Lana?' She asks me and I take a deep breath. 'At the docks.' I answer. 'We need to go down there, Dexton, and be with Lana.' My mother says grabbing the car keys and interlocks hands with my dad. 'There's food left in the kitchen for you, we'll be home later.' My father tells me as they run out of the house and drive away. I take a few deep breaths as I try to calm my nerves. I can't believe Scooter is gone! Him and his wife, Lana always used to babysit me when I was a kid. Yeah, he was a bit of a weirdo and crazy but he was kind and a Pogue. He didn't deserve to die like this, and my heart broke for Lana.

After a while, I ate my dinner and went for a quick cold shower before changing into something else and notice the Twinkie drive past my house, so I decided to go and hang with the Pogues again. 'Hey..' I mutter as I walk up the few steps onto the porch. JJ's sitting down on the couch, flicking his lighter as Kie reads her book on the opposite couch while John B leans against the railing looking out into the ocean. 'Hey, how's your dad?' Kie asks looking at me with a sad expression. 'Shocked.' I shrug sitting down beside JJ. 'Where's Pope?' I ask. 'Right there.' John B answers as I look over at the door and see Pope walking anxiously towards us. 'Okay. So, um..we didn't see anything.' Pope panics as he walks in, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 'See what?' I ask looking between the four of them. 'The Grady White. It belonged to Scooter.' Pope tells me and my eyes widen in shock. I've known Scooter my entire life and not once have I  ever seen him with a Grady White. 'So, yeah. We don't know anything. We need to have total and complete amnesia.' Pope continues as he points at us individually. 'Actually, Pope's right for once.' JJ speaks up. 'See, I agree with you sometimes.' JJ looks at Pope as he stands up. 'Deny, deny, deny.' He tells us as he walks by us over to John B. 'You're asking me to keep this huge secret from my parents?' I question raising my eyebrows and JJ lets out a sigh. He knows I hate keeping secrets from my parents, besides the Pogues, I tell my parents everything. 'Yes.' JJ shrugs and I let out a sigh of frustration.

'Guys, we can't keep that money.' Kie speaks up, dropping her hands. 'Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.' JJ says sternly and Kie rolls her eyes. 'We have to pass that off to Lana.' I tell them. My family and I may need the money, but I was raised better than that, I wasn't going to keep a dead man's money. 'Otherwise, it's bad karma.' Kie continues. 'Bad karma to be implicated into a felony, too.' Pope states looking at John B. 'We gotta go dark.' Kie and Pope say in unison. 'If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree.' JJ shrugs, and I look at him with a sad expression. 'I don't agree.' John B says looking at JJ. 'What? Why?' JJ asks him, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. 'Just think about it. This is Scooter Grubbs we're talking about. Same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole. Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We're talking about a dirtbag marina rat. Who's never had more than 40 bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he's got a Grady White? Just saying.' John b states and I glare at him, standing up. 'Don't talk about Scooter like that, John B. That man has helped my family out multiple times and was my father's friend. I won't stand here and listen to you talk badly about someone I knew.' I snap at him and he sends me an apologetic look. I roll my eyes and walk out of the Chateau and go down to the docks to fish. JJ and Pope follow behind me and join in fishing while I just sit on the floor, dangling my feet in the water as John B and Kie lean against the railing.

'All right, so think about it, Pope. How does Scooter Grubbs get a Grady White?' John B asks. 'Prostitution.' Pope says as I glare at him. 'No!' I immediately answer grabbing everyone's attention. 'He loved Lana more than anything in the world, he wouldn't!' I state and they all let out a sigh. 'Square groupers, bro. Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance. They don't do that stuff during a hurricane. What does that mean? JJ?' John B asks looking at JJ. 'They were straight smuggling.' JJ answers. 'Smuggling. And I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck.' John B points out towards Kie and me. 'Hell yeah.' JJ mutters before his fishing rod starts yanking. 'Fish on!' JJ says and I laugh at him. 'For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it, it probably belongs to someone else.' Pope informs us as we all went back inside the Chateau. 'Minor details.' Kie shrugs. 'They could come looking for us. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid.' Pope says. 'Right. Well, stupid things have a good outcome all the time.' JJ says as he glances at me for a split second. He clears his throat quickly as he stands up. 'All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Act normal.' JJ tells us and I nod in agreement. 'Right. And how exactly will we do that?' Pope asks and a smirk appears on both JJ and I's faces. 'Kegger.' JJ and I exclaim in unison.

To Be Continued...

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