28| Girlfriend?

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Season 1, chapter 28:

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Season 1, chapter 28:

Nobody was at the Chateau so I skated to the Wreck. 'Look, he'll come around, all right? It's... he's doing a JJ thing.' John b speaks up as I enter the restaurant, and he smiles faintly at me as I sit down beside him. 'You think he'll go home?' Kie asks, curiously and I shape my head. 'That's about a zero per cent chance that JJ goes home.' Pope states as he leads against the window looking out. Everyone goes silent for a moment. 'You okay?' John b asks looking at Sarah. 'Yeah.' she mutters as she nods at him. 'Are you?' she asks him. 'I mean, I'm in one piece, so...' He says, smiling at her. Pope walks over to me and sits down beside me and grabs my hand. 'You okay?' he asks looking at me with a worried look I lean over to him and kiss his cheek as he blushes. 'I'm okay.' I smile at him.

'Okay, it's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it. Bring it all up at once. Put it in--in a safe or a vault or something. I...I don't know. Just until we can find someone who won't rip us off. I can go figure it out tonight, get it done and we can be out there tomorrow morning.' Pope informs us. 'All right, let's do it.' John b agrees with his plan. 'What about that thing with my dad?' Sarah asks John b as he let out a sigh. 'What thing?' I ask him curiously. 'I have to go fishing with Ward.' John b announces and I roll my eyes. 'You can't get 400 mil because you're gonna go kill fish?' I also him sarcastically. 'Look, I have to go.' John b sighs. 'Blow it off. It's 400 million in gold!' Pope tells him. 'Make some shit up! You feel unwell or something.' I suggest as I drink a glass of water. 'Look, I...I have to, okay? He...he saved me, all right? And if it weren't for Ward, is be in foster care.' John mutters and I let out a sigh. 'So, I have to go. Plus, it'll be better to do it at night. Right?' John b asks looking around at us. 'Fine. Fine, go fishing.' Pope tells him. 'And at least JJ will probably have come back by then.' I say hoping he shows up soon. 'Okay, well Sarah and I need to head back to hers now, but we'll see you guys tomorrow.' John b says as he and Sarah get up and he interlocks his hand with us. 'Safe drive home.' I say to them and he nods as they leave the Wreck. 'Come on, let's go to the Chateau and plan.' Pope same ys motioning Kie and me. 'You're the Boss!' I joke as I get up and follow him and Kie.


'So we gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning.' Pope explains to Kie and me as we pull to a stop outside the Chateau. The sunset was roughly an hour ago and it was pitched dark outside now. 'We know. You're going to do amazing.' I assure him as I tap him on the shoulder and hop out of the truck. 'Okay, well, we gotta focus.' Kie says as she and Pope hop out of the truck. 'I know. Jr's gonna be fine.' Pope assures us. 'We got John B and JJ onside the well, and me and Liz up top. You and Sarah will be outside transporting.' Pope tells Kie and me the plan again. 'Yeah, we got this.' Kie nods. 'Uh, I got a winch. That tin can hope over 200, 300 pounds.' Pope tells us as we walk to the back if the truck. 'Thanks.' Kie smiles at him. 'Uh, what for?' Pope asks her, looking at her confused. 'Stranding us. You know, making us make up.' Kie says shyly looking at the ground. 'What makes you this that was me?' Pope questions as I let out a laugh. Lights turn on, wrapped around the trees, as I look at Kie and Pope raising an eyebrow in confusion. 'What the hell?' I ask looking around.

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