39| Planning

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Season 2, chapter 39:

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Season 2, chapter 39:

"Look at what the captain dragged in," Terrance says with disbelief, probably surprised at how stupid we were to come back here. As Sarah, John B and I approached him, Stubbs and the girl.

"I have a proposition," Sarah says sternly as I glare at Terrance, clenching my fists at the desire to punch him in his smug face. "If it involves giving you that rock back, that nugget, forget it," Terrance replies. "You're lucky I'm not on the phone with the cops right now."

"I'm not worried about that, because you saw what was in that safe, did you not?" Sarah asks him. "Yeah, I did." He nods in confirmation. "And it was exactly what we told you it was gonna be. Right?" She glares at Terrance. "Yeah, well, that thing's locked down tighter than a clamshell now." The girl states, eyeing me. "No shit." I retort, rolling my eyes.

"But the gold's not staying there. My dad's gonna come down and move it. He'll have to." Sarah says. "So what are you proposing, a Brink's job?" Terrance says seriously. "Think about it. You have a boat that can get us away. You know people and the island, and I can find out exactly when that gold is moving." Sarah says, crossing her arms with confidence.

"And I'll give you two million," Sarah speaks up after a moment of silence, my eyes widening in shock. "Let me get this straight. You want us to take the risk of going to jail and gettin' shot for a fraction of what's in that safe." Terrance says annoyedly.

"Really? After you abandoned us to the sharks and stole her boat," I point at Sarah. "We don't owe you shit. But we'll give you ten million." I state. "Ten million a piece." The girl challenges, smirking at me. Terrance points a finger up at the girl where she's sitting on the balcony of the boat. "I like that. Ten a piece." He comments. "A piece?" John B scoffs and starts to turn away.

"John B, come back," I order and he stops and turns back around. "Ten million a piece," I confirm and Sarah nods in confirmation. "Ten million dollars. We're just throwing money away." John B says looking flustered. Terrance holds out his hand to me. "You have yourself a deal, sweetheart." He smiles. I reach out my hand to grasp his, shaking his hand firmly to seal the deal. "But if you pull a stunt like you did back at the house again, I will personally kill you." I threaten him but he just laughs at me.

The next morning, John B, Sarah and I are outside sitting down inside an abandoned building while I eat an apple. "We're on." Sarah smiles, typing on the phone. "Okay. I guess we're doing this. I mean, armed robbery. I mean, I'm cool with it, but are you sure?" John b asks hesitantly. "Hell yeah. JJ is going to be so jealous when I tell him." I smirk throwing my hands in the air.

"My entire life, Ward has always gotten what he's wanted. Everyone jumps for him. And I thought it was respect, but now I realize that's fear." Sarah speaks up. "And, John B...you know the one person who never jumped for him was your dad." I frown at the mention of Big John. I miss him and my parents dearly at this moment. "He wasn't like anyone I had ever met because he wasn't scared of my dad. This is for him and Sheriff Peterkin-" She clears her throat and I clench my fist. "And for you, me and Lizzie," Sarah mutters.

"That's my girl. You're becoming more like one of us: like a Pogue, each day. So freaking proud of you. The way you stand up for what you believe. I'm so happy you're on our side." I throw my hands around Sarah's neck and pull her in for a hug. A moment later, John b wraps his arms around us and tightens the hug as we all burst out laughing.

We spent the rest of the morning with Terrance planning and discussing how the gold was going to be moved and where we needed to be to intercept the truck. Sarah showed us where the private air jet freight company was regarding the vacation house on a digital map displayed on the computer. All we have to do is stop it before it gets on the plane, or it will be out of our reach. Terrance shows us the only two roads that could take us to the location. He explained that we needed to set the trap on the road that twisted through the acres of the Can Fields.

Later that afternoon, Terrance drives us to the spot where the three of us would be stationed, explaining to us what direction the truck would come from and how Cleo and he would make the truck vulnerable enough for us to take it. He planned to pose as a construction workers to get the truck to stop, then the gun would get involved. The final part of the plan was for Cleo to round up some type of distraction to put Ward on our desired road and lose any security that might support the transfer.

"Can Sarah and I tag along with you?" I ask Cleo. She hesitates for a moment but then nods her head. I didn't know what to think of this girl, whose name I found out was Cleo. She reminded me a lot of the Pogues and our willingness to do anything to survive and save the people important to us. It's still too soon to trust her entirely, but she's warming up to me.

We left the building and walked down the street, that stretched near the beach and harbour. "So, how did you go from living in Paradise Island to living in the street dodging coppers?" Cleo asks Sarah directly. "Fell in love," Sarah answers and I cringe at her comment. "Big mistake," Cleo replies and I laugh at her comment. "Only got yourself to blame for that one." She nods at Sarah. "What about you, girl? You rich?" Cleo looks at me now and I burst out laughing.

"God, no! If I was filthy rich, trust me, I wouldn't be here. I'd be in Paris, right now drinking expensive wine." I say sarcastically earning a chuckle from Cleo. "I live in a small, nearly broken-down Bungalow with my parents," I answer. "I'm not rich. I'm closer to being poor, to tell you the truth. That's why I'm here, to help my friends and get the gold." I shrug. "What about you?" I ask, changing the topic from me.

"How did you hook up with Captain T?" I ask. "Father left. Granny died. Was kicked out in the street. I had a find a way to take care of myself." I frown at her answer. "So I was sleeping on a local dinghy when the mooring broke. I woke up, and I heard someone yelling, "You know how to tie a bowline?", It was Captain Terrance. I go on deck. I've been with him ever since. It's not the best of times, but I gotta do what I gotta do, right?" Cleo shrugs it off. I look at her with sadness.

"Stubb's security." She points to Stubbs playing with a couple of kids, trying the lighten the atmosphere. "Not the brightest bulb, but you ain't gotta watch your back with him. Terrance on the other hand..." She trails her sentence off. "He's a ram goat. Anything that's in his way, ram it over. Always two steps ahead of him and never really trust him." Sarah and I nodded in understanding.

Cleo leaves us then, walking over to the group of kids, asking them, "Who wanna make some money?" I smirk at Sarah. They all cheered as they cried, "Me!" All at once. A small smile spreads across my face at Cleo's plan. "But wait. I need a favour first. Listen up." Cleo says as the kids circle her.

To Be Continued...

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