16| The Royal Merchant

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Season 1, chapter 16:

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Season 1, chapter 16:

Once we arrived back at Heyward's shop, we left the boat there and decided to join Kie and John b at the beach. 'Hey! Save some waves for us!' JJ calls out as the three of us jogging into the water with our surfboard in hand, and paddle over to Kie and John b. 'Hey, where you been?' Kie asks as I paddle my board beside hers. 'Deliveries with Pope.' I reply as I lay on my stomach slowly letting out a groan of pain. 'You okay, Lizzie?' John b asks raising an eyebrow. 'Yeah, I fell and hurt my stomach.' I say. 'Now, let's catch some waves.' I call out as we all start surfing, which immediately relaxed me.

After a while it was beginning to get dark so we left. We all decried to go back to John bs house. Pope, JJ and John b were sitting in chairs while Kie and I shared the hammock. 'You really think it's out there?' Pope asks, breaking the silence. 'Like, no bullshit?' He questions. 'My father thought it was.' John b replies. 'But do you?' Pope asks looking at John b. 'After hearing his voice on that tape. I think I do.' Jon b sighs. 'Only one way to find out.' Pope says as John b and him do the Pogue handshake. 'Look, we're gonna find it, you know? Even JJ believes.' Kie says. 'Oh my god, JJ, do you really believe?' John b asks sarcastically and I giggle. 'Totally. Wait. Are we talking about four mil?' JJ scoffs as I got out of the hammock, walking over to sit on JJ's lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist, resting it there. 'Four hundred mil.' Pope and Kie correct him. 'Jinx.' Kie exclaims as she smirks at Pope. 'I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks.' JJ says as he shifts in the chair causing me to fall off the chair. 'That's it, kill me before we get the treasure.' I say rubbing the back of my head. 'Sorry, Lizzie.' JJ says shyly as he rubs the back of his neck before lending his hand to help me up. I sat back on his lap and threw my legs over his as I rested my head on his shoulder.

'Good night, everybody.' I mutter into the darkness. 'Good night, Bird.' JJ says looking at John B. 'Good night, bird shit!' John B calls back as him, Pope and Kie head inside. I burst out laughing at John Bs remark. After a moment, I looked out to the water, the moon glowing so brightly in the sky. 'Good night, Lizzie. Sweets dreams.' JJ whispers in my ear and a smile appears on my face. 'Good night, J.' I turn my head away from the water and kiss his cheek gently. My eyes widened at my action and my face burnt bright red but luckily it was too dark for him to notice. JJ didn't say anything instead he wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer and closed his eyes. I exhale a deep breath before closing my eyes, letting the sound of JJs breath and the waves calm me to sleep.


'All right, JJ. Pin it here.' John b calls out. It was the next day and we were out on the HMS Pogue heading to the coordinates of the merchant. 'Roger that! X marks the spot.' JJ calls back. I lean back against the boat as I take my phone out of my pocket. 'Stupid internet. We woke up late this morning, and I never got the chance to text mom or dad about my whereabouts.' I let out a sigh, preparing myself for the lecture I'm going to get once I go home. 'All right, ladies and gentlemen.' John B speaks up grabbing our attention as I shove my phone back into my pocket. 'To going full Kook.' He says dropping the drone into the water and I exhale a sigh.  Kie was in charge of making sure the tether was going down easily and keeping track of how deep the drone was.

Pope was watching the screen, controlling where it went while JJ was controlling the boat and I kept him company. 'J?' I speak up after a moment of silence. 'Yeah, Lizzie.' JJ replies keeping his eyes on the water ahead. My heartbeat started to increase and my palms were sweaty now as I exhaled a deep breath. I've always had a crush on JJ but ever since the treasure hunt started, I can't control it anymore and I'm beginning to let it show now. 'I..' I took a deep breath. 'All right, JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest.' John B cuts me off and I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 'Got it! Ten seconds northwest.' JJ says before looking at me. 'What did you want to say?' He asks raising his eyebrows. 'It's nothing important. Let's just stay focus on the task ahead.' I say taking a deep breath. He looks at me with concern for a second longer before looking back ahead on the water. 'One hundred feet.' Kie calls out. Pope gasps as John B and I jump up running over to him. 'What? What, what.' John b panics. 'It was nothing.' Pope lets out a sigh.

'Don't do that to me, man.' JJ says sounding annoyed. 'Sorry. I'm sorry. My bad. I just thought I saw..' Pope trails off as I place my hand on his shoulder. 'It's okay, Pope.' I smile at him and he lets out a breath, nodding his head.  'And to quote The Hobbit, Down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down, you go, my lad.' Pope chants, calming himself as I remove my hand from his shoulder. 'Four hundredth feet.'  Kie says before thunder rumbles in the distance. 'The tide's turning.' I speak up. 'Hey, JJ?' John b calls out. 'Yep.' JJ answers as I walk over to him. 'Ten seconds easy. South southeast.' John B says. 'Copy that.' JJ replies turning the boat in the opposite direction. 'JJ, twenty seconds mid-speed, all right? South.' John B orders. 'Copt that! Aye. Aye.' JJ says as he lowers the speed, looking at me with a smirk. I smile back at him. 'Keep the tether out of the prop!' John B demands. 'I'm trying!' Kie replies. 'JJ, keep going.' John b orders as thunder rumbles in the distance again. I look out the window as see the dark clouds growing closer. 'John b, is that good?' JJ asks looking back at John B. 'We're good.' John b tells him, as JJ lowered the speed.

'Okay, seven hundredth feet!' Kie calls out, as thunder rumbles again. After a moment, the power of the water rocked the boat, as John b lost his balance but quickly grabbed Pope hand to keep him up while I crashed into JJ. Our bodies were pressed against each other. JJ had one hand on the window to try stop him from falling while his other hand was protectively placed on my hip. 'Are you okay?' JJ asks worriedly, glancing me up and down to check for injuries. 'I-I'm fine.' I stumble on my words as I realize that our faces were so close, our noses touching off each other. JJ coughs as he pulls his head back from mine. His jaw tensed as he looked at me. 'JJ! Hold it steady.' John B calls out and JJ quickly clears his throat before grabbing the steering wheel again. I fixed my hair and top as I let out a sigh. 'Okay, nine hundred!' Kie calls out. 'JJ, we're gonna turtle in this storm.' Pope calls out in a panicked voice. 'Nine hundred and twenty.' Kie calls out ignoring Pope. 'Crank it north by northwest! Ten seconds.' John B demands. 'There's too much current!' Kie yells over the thunder. 'We're gonna lose it!'

'South, southwest, JJ! Hard!' John b shouts. 'Half speed. Steady at this bearing, JJ.'  John b orders. 'What do you got, Pope? Come on, man. What do you see?' John b asks urgently. 'Nothing. A whole lot of nothing.' Pope says, which caused JJ and I to turn around to them. 'Come on, you should be right above it, brother.' John b says worriedly. 'Kiare!' Pope exclaims. 'Nine hundredth and sixty.' Kie calls. 'Nine hundredth and seventy...nine eighty..' She continues to call out. 'I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom!' Pope exclaims, as JJ turns back around to steer the boat. 'Okay, steady here, JJ!' John B calls out. 'You should be seeing something, man.' John b says. 'I know, I know! Wait, wait.' Pope says before John b and him gasp. Kie joins them as JJ and I turned around. 'What do you see something?' JJ asks as John B chuckles lightly. 'It's the Royal Merchant.' John B announces a dcs I turn around to JJ and fling my arms around him embracing him into a victory hug. We found the Royal Merchant. I guess, we spoke too soon. 'It's not there!' John B sighs in defeat. 'Look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery.' Pope speaks up as John B begins cursing. 'We can...We can go back down.' Pope says.

I couldn't believe my eyes. All the effort we put into this to get nothing out of it. 'We've done it three times. There's nothing there...' JJ calls out in disappointment. ;The gold could be buried! We don't know!' Kie says trying to stay positive as I let out a sigh. 'Or it was never there...' I hear JJ mutter as he steers the ship, turning it around to go home.

To Be Continued...

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