Chapter 9

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The hag hiding in the corner of Knockturn Alley, cautiously watching through the window of Borgin and Burkes, had their train of thought interrupted as Ben Copper and Danielle Jackson made an appearance, clearly having sprinted down here, but still alert, and maybe scared.

Ben walked up to the hag and shoved his wand under their throat. "You look like you've seen something."

"Easy there, Copper, a've already told ya everythin' I know about da white-robed wizard-"

"But you wouldn't-"


"...Screw it," said Mundungus Fletcher.

"Hiding from the white-robed wizard again? We heard he's a student from Mahou-"

"No, I'm hidin' from someone even scarier..."

"Let me guess, Rakepick?"

"O' course, and she's in a fouler mood than ever!"

"We've heard she was coming to Borgin and Burkes, did she want something?"

"She wan'ed her dark artefacts bac'. said she needed 'em for the final vault."
"I need my ex-co-captain in on this," said Dani, referring to Merula, who was heading upstairs with Ben and Dani after class. "These are the belongings of Patricia Rakepick, they are sure to be kept in a secure location."

"Are you sure they aren't just in the DADA classroom?"

"Copper, are you blind? We've been in the DADA classroom enough times to know that the new professor has stripped it bare save for desks and chairs. Why are we asking the moody caretaker anyway, Jackson, of all the Hogwarts staff?"

"Dunno, Filch confiscated a ton of Rakepick's crap."

"...I guess. By the way, will your brother be visiting anytime soon, by any chance?"

"Not that I know of."

"Shame." Merula blushed, and Ben opened his mouth to ask her about it, but his words changed when Dani opened the door of Filch's office.


The old headmaster turned to see the three sixth-years, knowing that Filch very rarely had visitors (who didn't carry Zonko's products-Ben, Dani and Merula mostly just had their backpacks with them). "Why, hello, Mr. Copper, Miss Jackson, Miss Snyde. What brings you here?"


"Don't think about lying to me, Miss Snyde, I know you're up to something."

"We thought Filch might have confiscated Rakepick's dark artefacts, and-"

"No need to worry about said artefacts, Miss Jackson, they are safe and sound at the ministry. How have you guys been coping with your first month of NEWT classes?"


"...Maybe a countdown to your NEWTs (because that's what we do in my area) will help fuel your motivation to study. And if that would be too mundane for you, have you guys all tried every flavour of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?"

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year 6Where stories live. Discover now