Chapter 35

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*rewrote December 2022
Outside Borgin and Burkes, March 1990

"Excellent work, young man."

Kazuhiro Shiratori nodded at the praise of this fellow dark witch. The meeting they were to attend began in mere minutes, and most members would be apparating in soon enough.

For now, there were the usual Knockturn denizens, dressed in dark colours (Kazuhiro felt quite exposed in his white school robes), scrutinizing the Daily Prophet or making deals. A small brown bird perched above the glowing sign.

The sound of clacking boots approached. "You came," said the dark witch.

"Just be glad that I did," Patricia Rakepick reprimanded in a biting tone. "You should be thanking me for showing up at all."

"But didn't you-"

Rakepick took a step forward so the dark witch was cowering under the height of the known murderer. "I fear NO ONE and NOTHING. YOU would do well to fear ME." She pulled out her wand menacingly.

The dark witch nodded, stunned.

"Well, then let's get on with it, shall we?"

Kazuhiro finally spoke up. "The others are still meant to join us, ma'am."

Rakepick turned her wand on Kazuhiro. "Do I SEEM like I CARE? R's hunt cannot be halted by Danielle Jackson any longer, and Patricia Rakepick waits for NO ONE."

"Our esteemed leader has given me an important job lately," said the dark witch. "I'm in contact with the Hogwarts mole. I'm sure we'll soon be lead to the final vault."

"That's good to know. That's VERY good to know," Rakepick twirled her wand. "Now we hope that Danielle Jackson pulls her weight. Our mission will not be-"


The brown bird squawked loudly before diving off its perch-and crashing straight into an invisible barrier.





And just like that, standing in front of Kazuhiro, in Patricia Rakepick's robes, was a much younger lady, with lighter hair and darker eyes. Kazuhiro immediately recognized her-just before he heard more people apparate in and out.

He saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of his eye, and heard glass shattering behind where the dark witch was and an angry voice yelling "GET THAT MOTHERF*CKING SKULL!"

Amidst all the chaos, Danielle Jackson still had her wand pointed at the young wizard. "INCARCEROUS!"

As Kazuhiro's arms were bound by rope, Alastor Moody walked over, slapping his hand with his wand. "She got away... My reflexes aren't what they used to be... And you really ought to be careful with any future plans involving invisibility cloaks, young man," he said to the Asian teenager walking over, a cardboard box under one arm and his cloak on the other. "Are you sure whatever's in that box is allowed at school?"

The boy sighed and set the box down in front of Moody. "...No, sir. I'm sorry. And you too, Talbott," he added as the bird landed on his shoulder and began nipping at his collar.

"Ministry student project again, Alastor?" The old man in the shop hopped over to the broken window. The misbehaving runaway skull was now clamped on his shoe. "Those youngins are never up to any good..."

Alexander Jackson stepped out from behind Moody. "Sorry, Mr. Burke. The ministry had traced potential death eater activity here." Alex gestured at the snarling Kazuhiro.

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