Chapter 46

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A/N: Soooo while I was writing this chapter I realized that the dark witch from the spy mission was, uh, no random dark witch so I had to go back and rewrite it. If you chapter 35 before December 2022 I'd strongly suggest heading back and rereading at least the first part. Sorry for the inconvenience caused (and no matter when you got here, here's a cookie for making it to the end🍪)
Dani strolled down the streets of Hogsmeade, wondering how she was going to spend the last weekend of her sixth year. There were happy students all around her, sampling sweets or trying out Bilton's newest merchandise. School was going great.

Until it wasn't.

"Found ya."

A cloak was pulled over Dani's eyes. Practically squashed up against her was Mundungus Fletcher.

"No 'ello? I think I may have a good 'un for ya."


"We're goin' to the Hog's Head."

"Why are we in an invisibility cloak? I've been there enough times, with my friends."

"I'm kinda banned," Mundungus admitted. "Also, I dun wan' her to see ya."

"Did Rakepick escape from Azkaban or something? Why did nobody tell me?"

"I woulda known if she did. No, some dark witch was sniffin' aroun' abou' your wand. An' the research you an' your brothe' were doin'."

"Research about what, the vaults? I know Alex goes to Flourish and Blotts a lot, but I don't touch books if I can avoid it," said Dani as they stepped into the Hog's Head. It was noisier than usual, and Aberforth was negotiating prices with an angry wizard in the corner.

"Look familiar to ya?" Mundungus gestured to a dark witch drinking butterbeer at another table.

"Actually... I think I saw her talking to Shiratori before the R meeting."

The dark witch finished her drink and made a beeline for the fireplace. Mundungus and Dani followed, watching as the dark witch climbed into the fireplace, pulled something out of her pocket, dropped it as she mumbled something, and disappeared in a flash of green.

"She said 'Knockturn Alley'!" Mundungus practically stumbled into the fireplace with Dani in tow once the dark witch was gone. He fumbled for some floo powder from his pockets. "Hold on tigh', Dani... Knockturn Alley!"

Landing in Borgin and Burkes to see the dark witch hurrying out, Dani scrambled after Mundungus as they went over to the window, straining to hear what the dark witch had to say just on the other side of the thin glass.

There was a faint pattering of hurried footsteps, and the upper half of none other than Merula Snyde appeared in front of the window.

Dani watched at the dark witch's smile of approval twisted. She now had a plumper face and more wrinkles, and looked to be about the same age as Dani's parents. "Well, I'll have to give Danielle Jackson some credit that her subordinates aren't always late. So many adventuring parties fail just because they aren't in the right place at the right time, Merula."

"I'm not Jackson's subordinate," Merula snapped.

"Your attitude reminds me of a certain someone. Pity he didn't have a happy ending." The dark witch smirked as Merula barred her teeth. "But, of course, R won't let that happen to YOU, my dear girl. And judging by the fact that you're here instead of drinking yourself silly with Jackson and Copper, I'd guess you were ready to join our noble cause?"

Merula seemed to relax a bit. "I've done everything you asked. I'm ready to leave Hogwarts behind and embrace my true family."

The dark witch grinned maliciously. "Of course you are, dear. You know the truth and have proven yourself."

"I AM worthy. I'll finally get the power I deserve."

"Indeed, you'll have all the power you could possibly desire, if you do as promised."

"Of course I will. Dani Jackson will join R just like I have."

"Oh, the best is yet to come, young lady... Now, you haven't had your apparition test yet, have you?"

Merula shook her head, and Dani just had time to register the uncomfortable look on her face as she was grabbed by the arm and disapparated away.

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