Chapter 34

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Alex apparated in front of Dani by the lake. "Hey sis. Moody told me about your plan, and I genuinely think this is going to send R running with their tails tucked."

"That's great," said Dani. "Where's Rakepick? Does she know about the meeting?"

"She's nowhere near London. I don't know if she knows about the meeting, but Knockturn Alley is dangerously close to a bustling wizard hub. We could get dad to buy the muggle lottery if we bag her this time."
"But that doesn't mean we can slack off on training," Dani told Jae, Talbott and Tonks. "This is a group of adults who won't hesitate to murder us if things go south. So tonight, we'll be running through the plan again-or at least the parts that would be allowed at school-and doing more duelling for obvious reasons. If nobody has any more questions, we can get started."

"Are you guys looking forward to fighting R head on? Because I am," said Jae.

"Me too, R won't be scared until they get DESTROYED by Hogwarts students," Tonks agreed.

"I'm normally a pacifist, but I'm doing this for my friends."

Dani nodded at Talbott. "So who wants to go first?"

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