Chapter 10

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"So, style wizard, what do you think a shady Knockturn Alley dealer would like, these pretty, flashy socks, or the super dull boring fireproof socks?"

While waiting for the professor to come in, Andre had laid out a selection of socks on the desk in front of Jae for his dealings.

"Hey Jae, can you do me a favour?" Dani slid into the seat next to the boys. "Look, I know you're not on the best terms with me or the squad right now, but do you know anyone who can get me an invisibility cloak? I want to sneak into the ministry and get my hands on Rakepick's dark artefacts, so..."


"Who says you can sneak into the ministry with an invisibility cloak?!" gasped Andre.

"Ex-head-boy Chester Davies, whom I assume used to be your prefect Andre, via ex-head-girl Angelica Cole. Chester works at the ministry and claims he used an invisibility cloak to get into areas he wasn't supposed to."

"Dude, Rakepick or not, this is cool," said Jae. "Alright, I can work this into my dealings, since the time lines up. Which do you think a dealer would like?" He pointed at the socks.

"The fireproof ones. I don't think Knockturn Alley people like bright colours, I'd save those for eccentric people like Dumbledore."
On Saturday, after picking up a remembrall for Jae at the Hog's Head so he could spend more time doing things a 16-year-old probably shouldn't be doing (but not THAT bad) at Knockturn Alley, Dani joined her classmate, who was talking to a hooded man with light hair. "Here's the remembrall."

"And I suppose you are Mr. Kim's friend who wanted an invisibility cloak?"

"Yes, Alistair, this is Dani Jackson, and-"

"Alex Jackson's little sister, I suppose? Guy was all over the papers for a bit. They say he-"

"Anyway, what about the cloak?"

"Oh, yes... Mr. Kim must've recommended me because he nearly cheated me out of one with butterbeer."


"That was what he got me when he couldn't get his hands on a love potion... Which is precisely what I want for the invisibility cloak."

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