Chapter 25

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"...I really appreciate you bailing me out though."

Chiara looked down at the still student. "I haven't really seen any improvement from these guys, so fair enough. That werewolf was particularly vicious though. You should be safe to visit the centaur camp now that the moon has waned. Oh hey Beatrice, is everything OK?"

The younger student was stopped in her tracks. "Oh, yes, Chiara, everything is absolutely wonderful." She then turned tail and rushed out of the hospital wing.

Chiara shook her head. "Cedric and I haven't been able to get through to her."

"Yeah, I should probably do something about it sooner rather than later," said Dani.
"We have much to discuss, young lady," said Firenze. "For starters, I've been seeing Cetus a lot when I ask the universe about what lies ahead for you and your friends."

"I believe that's NEWT syllabus, so Cetus is known as the monster of the deeps," Torvus added.

"Does that mean I'll have to fight the giant squid to get to the final vault?" asked Dani.

"That is definitely a possibility," answered Firenze. "A couple of other things: you'll cross paths with a powerful adversary again. You'll learn that walking away with a head on a silver platter is not all a victor does-sometimes they have difficult moral decisions to make too."

Dani thought about Rakepick. She hoped that when and if they met again, she, Ben and Merula would be powerful enough to take her down for good. But what would they do if that happened? Give her an avada kedavra to the face, like she did to Rowan? Hand her over to the ministry?

"Another thing, more tied to Professor Trelawney's prophecy... Something suggests to me that the 'loss' she spoke of may not be in the way you expect," Firenze continued. "All who have known Miss Khanna have suffered a great loss, but I'm afraid it won't be the last person you lose, in one way or another, Dani."

"It sounds like Dani's troubles are far from over," said Torvus to Firenze.

"I hope she wouldn't expect them to be," replied Firenze. "She's special and she knows she is."

Dani remembered how she felt finding Alex, glad that she was reunited with the brother she'd looked up to, but at the same time wary that he'd turned to the dark side and joined R or the death eaters. And while her friendship with them had highs and lows, Dani didn't want to lose Ben or Merula either.

"I've looked further into the stars. You have lived these last six years at Hogwarts, but sooner than you think, you'll have to wander beyond its protective enchantments. I hope you're ready for this responsibility."

"I mean, I'll have to grow up some time," said Dani. "When I graduate, I want to leave Hogwarts and never look back. I hope I can protect the wizarding world to the best of my ability."

"There's a lot at stake for your future," said Torvus. "I'd suggest you go somewhere more quiet-and safer-to think about it."
The headmaster turned around just as Dani was about to leave. "You're up late, Miss Jackson. And returning from the forbidden forest, if I'm not mistaken. Come closer, maybe I have some advice for you."

Dani walked past the fountain to the corner of the courtyard where Dumbledore was, trying to hide her nervousness. "I was at the centaur camp, professor. I reached out to them earlier in the school year about a prophecy by Professor Trelawney that was... pretty concerning."

Dumbledore nodded. "You may or may not gain a better understanding of this when the time comes, but the reason I hired Professor Trelawney was for the safety of Hogwarts, and one student in particular. Future student, to be more exact-I think you know who I'm referring to. And the centaurs must've told you a lot... Did any words stick out to you?"

"That I'd lose someone, but not in the way I expect. I mean, I don't want anyone else to die, but..."

"Dani, you can count on myself and the professors to keep you and others safe at school. I'd like you to focus on the things you can change. Is there something you'd want to accomplish in the future that you can do right now?"

Dani thought for a moment. "...No, professor. We're far from the final vault and have absolutely no idea where in the world Rakepick is-"

"What about Alex?"

"...He just seems like a stranger now. I don't know how or if I can change that."

"My own brother seems like a stranger to me sometimes, and yet he knows me better than anyone."

"And how could I contact him?"

"Your brother has walked these halls before. There has to be a way. Now, even though you should be back in your common room by now, when you pass the grand staircase, I think Beatrice Haywood needs a prefect to talk to..."

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