Chapter 39

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The merwoman floated over to Dani as soon as she was spotted.

"Hello. I'm Danielle Jackson, a student at Hogwarts. I hope you enjoyed our concert."


Dani still couldn't understand the merpeople's language, but she continued, "I believe there's a cursed vault in the lake. I was hoping your people could help me find it."


"Cursed vault?" Dani repeated.

"Kyee." Ther merwoman swam deeper into the lake, and Dani followed.

The merwoman led Dani to a spectacular underwater village, built with magnificent structures of stone adorned with colourful gems. Beautiful underwater flowers were planted in the cracks of the rocks. "Wow, this is a beautiful place," Dani complimented. "Is this your village?"

The merwoman didn't even bother to talk to the human this time, instead she just held out her scaly palm vertically.

"Are you telling me to wait here?"

"Kyee!" The merwoman exclaimed before swimming away.

Dani took the time to survey her surroundings. There were more stone buildings even further into the lake, and a huge merperson statue was placed in the centre of the square. They must be the founder of this village, Dani thought.

"Kya-kyee!" The merwoman came back, and following her was a large blue (Dani had only seen green ones so far) merperson, flanked by two more merpeople with spears. Dani quickly realized that the blue merperson must be their queen.

"Your Majesty. It is an honour to be in your presence. My name is Danielle Jackson."

"Kya-kyee, kya."

"Do I have your permission to speak on the issue for which I have journeyed to your kingdom today?"

"Kya-kyee, kya."

"A cursed vault has been affecting my schoolmates by turning them into stone. I have evidence to believe it's here, under the lake. We're hoping to crack it before the wrong people do. If your people know where it is, I'd be immensely grateful if you could show it to me."

"Kyaa, kyee, ke."

Another merperson guard gestured to a stone table. A snapped necklace, a bent comb, and a lyre with most of its strings missing lay on it.

"These are all precious artefacts, and they've clearly seen better days."

"Kya..." the merqueen sighed sadly.

"Shall I bring you newer versions of these items in exchange for information about the location of the cursed vault?"

The merqueen perked up. "Kyee!"

"Then that's exactly what I'll do."

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