Chapter 38

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Note for those who play/watch the game: this is where the chapter numbers start getting out of whack
"What's up, Alanza?" Myron Wagtail greeted as the Weird Sisters swaggered up to Alanza and Dani.

"Cheers Myron, Orsino... Kirley. Thanks for meeting us, because we think we have a proposition for the band."

"Sounds cool, what do you have for us?" Orsino Thurston asked.

"What about having a concert at the Black Lake?"

"The Black Lake? Doesn't sound like the first place one thinks of to rock out," said Myron.

"Kettleburn says the creatures at the lake have been rather hostile lately and I'd like to help him out with that," said Dani. "The merpeople love music, so a concert might be a good way to establish some human-creature connection."

"Besides, the lake has the creepy melancholy vibe you guys are going for. And we'll invite all our friends! Word spreads fast at Hogwarts."

"Taking our sound to a whole new creature-culture would be huge, don't you think, Myron?"

"There's just one problem," said Myron. "Filch pinched Kirley's 18-string guitar, and he's on high alert since the last stunt we pulled on him."

"Then you guys have nothing to worry about," said Alanza. "Dani has enough experience on Filch to make this work."
"Not more troublemaking-"

Mrs. Norris purred happily and ran to Alanza.

"Hello, Mrs. Norris. How was your day? Did you-"

"Why my cat likes you so much I have no idea," Filch growled. "And you're never up to any good whenever I see you, Miss Jackson. Give me a good reason to not chain you up before you lay a finger on Mrs. Norris."

"Kirley wants his guitar back, Mr. Filch. He's sorry for pranking you and Alanza suggested he write a song about Mrs. Norris."

Filch's expression changed. "A song? About Mrs. Norris?"

"It'll be a cool dance song, and the Weird Sisters will be debuting it at their concert at the Black Lake this weekend. You and Mrs. Norris are invited-as long as they have a guitar for the concert."

Dani could swear she saw Filch wipe away a tear as he went inside to grab the guitar.
The burgeoning crowd teemed with anticipation as the Weird Sisters finished setting up.

"Do you think this concert will have a mosh pit? It's a thing muggles do," Barnaby asked his friends at the back of the crowd. "But I have no idea what moshing is, so maybe we should try to avoid it?"

"Lee, the point of this concert isn't having fun," Merula grumbled.

"We can still have fun," said Barnaby.

"Merula's just upset we didn't tell her about the concert earlier because she decided to go sailing with you," said Ben.

"So let's welcome... THE WEIRD SISTERS!!!!!"

At the front, Orsino beat his drums, Kirley strummed his guitar, and the crowd went wild.


"That's my favourite!" exclaimed Barnaby.

"Focus, Lee!" said Merula angrily.


"Guys, look!"

Some of the merpeople had rose to the surface. A couple of them were dancing happily, like the students were.

"That's the merperson I met last time!"

The merwoman waved at Dani, and Ben gave her a shove. "No time like the present."

"This next song is for our school's favourite cat!" Myron introduced their next song as Dani disappeared underneath the surface.

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