Head Girl Part 3

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"Thanks fer returnin' Fang. Yeh say he was chasin' Fawkes?"

"Yes, but only out of a spirited curiousity. Ah, hello there, Miss Jackson, what can I help you with?"

"It's about head girl selections, Professor Dumbledore. I've been going to places, talking to people, trying to figure out what I could write about. I met your brother at the train station and he told me to ask you for advice. I mean, he probably thought I was annoying-"

"I'm glad you're investing time and effort into this, Miss Jackson-according to Professor McGonagall, you don't always exhibit that kind of attitude with your homework," Dumbledore said. "I think the reason why Everard chose me to be head boy back in the day was because I was prepared, which you clearly are doing. Another important thing is-actually, there's no point in telling you, I'll let you figure out on your own. But speaking of Professor McGonagall, I'd suggest you talk to her as well-she was also head girl of her class. Now, I must be off."

"Well done, Dani!" exclaimed Hagrid once Dumbledore was gone. "Dumbledore said yeh were off teh a great start."

"I just hope this gets me somewhere," said Dani. "I saw Rowan's ghost."

"Rowan's GHOST?"

"Yeah, she said something about looking back to move forward and..."

"Uh... Well..." Hagrid trailed off.

"...I'll go see McGonagall then, see if she has more answers for me."
"Take my words with a grain of salt, but I personally think you're barking up the wrong tree, Miss Jackson," said McGonagall. "Every head boy and girl is different. Their paths are different, their personalities are different, they way they carry out their duties are different. You should be focusing on how you can sell Dumbledore YOU as our next head girl rather than cheating off our alumni."

Dani thought for a moment. "So... where do I start, anyway?"

"...You know what, I think more recent head boys and girls are probably at least more relevant than myself and Professor Dumbledore. I know Gringotts has been a bit understaffed lately, but perhaps Charlie Weasley knows a bit about how his brother prepared?"
"Hey, you have clothes on this time," said Dani as Charlie stepped out of a stall.

"Don't remind me. Did you want to ask about something?"

"Yeah... Has Bill ever talked to you about becoming head boy?"

"Not really," said Charlie. "He thinks we either don't need it or won't become head boy or girl anyway. I do remember him saying something about how hard it is to keep all the prefects in order though."

"Why?" asked Dani. "I thought prefects were the most well-behaved-"

"Look at you, look at me, look at all the prefects in our year and answer that question yourself," laughed Charlie. "Some of us are clever, some strong-willed, all very unique personalities trying to make the most of school like everyone else is. Also, this place. How's your essay coming along? I've given up on mine."

"Well..." Dani began. "So after Dumbledore made the announcement, I saw Rowan. As a ghost. She said something about looking back to move forward and stuff about becoming head girl and I'm trying to do that, which has been... interesting so far."

Charlie's eyes lit up. "Then can't you just, you know, summon her to help with your essay? Also, can ghosts play exploding snap? I kinda miss destroying her-"

"Question," Duncan interrupted from floating through a pillar. "If this Rowan were alive, would she be helping you with your essay?"

"Yes, of course, why?" asked Dani.

"It probably just a dream, then," said Duncan indifferently.

"A dream?!"

"You were here pretty late that night. Were you sleepy?"

Dani remembered struggling to keep her eyes open while trying to do her Herbology homework that night. "I guess?"

"Did Rowan look to you like I do, or like any other ghost at Hogwarts?"

"I think so, why else would I think she was a ghost?"

"Did she, and would she, appear to anyone else?"

"I mean, I'm her best friend, but she has lots of friends in the Circle-"

"Did Rowan tell you anything you didn't know already?"

Dani stopped.

"See?" Duncan did a backflip and whooshed away.

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