Chapter 15

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"It's high time to get our game face back on, Jackson, now that even the staff aren't safe from the curse," said Merula as she and Dani walked downstairs after class.

"But how? Like Rowan says, we don't have any real leads right now," replied Dani.

"Yes, we do," retorted Merula. "Merpeople. We have a trident and a coral key."

"Come to think of it, I reckon the Black Lake might be a point of interest," said Dani. "The professors have said that there have been strange grindylow and merpeople activity, and apparently Rakepick had been interested in merpeople while she was at Hogwarts." She stopped outside the library. "I'm meeting up with Cedric, maybe get some research in as well, with these circumstances. Will you be... I don't know, throwing puffskeins with-"

"That's babyish, and that's none of your business."

"I agree with the first statement," Dani said before ducking into the library, finding Cedric, and sitting down next to him.

The first-year looked up from his scroll. "Thanks for showing up. I suppose you've heard." He gulps before continuing. "I literally just turned my back, and she was..."

"Honestly, you shouldn't have seen that," said Dani, trying to put on her prefect face.

"Are you guys doing anything about it?"

"Not yet, I guess. I want to start looking in the Black Lake, because I've heard the merpeople have been acting weirdly."

Cedric figured out his homework, occasionally asking Dani questions-academically-related or otherwise-while Dani tried to look up information on merpeople and what triggered them. When she couldn't find anything, Cedric suggested, "Maybe you should actually head there, check the area out for yourself. Besides, word on the street is that the Mahoutokoro student was spotted in the area and that Dumbledore is considering locking down the school, so you may not get to head there later."

Dani slammed shut the copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them she'd borrowed from Cedric. "That is actually a GREAT idea," she said as she stood up.

Cedric grinned proudly. "Good luck."

"Actually, can I come with you?"

Beatrice looked over from a couple of seats away.

"...Why not?"

She'd find the answer to that question... In a few months. (Spoiler alert: they don't get attacked... In this chapter.)
The lake surface was smooth as the sun sank below it, creating an almost-romantic orange glow. It was a beautiful day for late November. Even the squid was nowhere to be found.

Dani shook her head. "Nothing special, at least for now."

"Let's go, then," said Beatrice, turning back towards the castle.

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