Chapter 23

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"...And that's how I got everyone back to the UK in one piece. It nearly didn't happen."

"Well, thanks, I guess. The goblins have been working me like a house-elf lately." He glanced over at Charlie. "But I don't imagine this month has been particularly pleasant for my brothers. I want to do something for them. And for the Circle, of course."

"I can help you with that," said Angelica.

"That'd be great. Let's head back to Hogwarts with them. I've got an idea to surprise Percy and the twins..."
In the kitchens...

"What do you need my help with?" asked Jae as he scrubbed a pan.

"Bill wants to surprise the younger boys with mum's homemade fudge," said Charlie.

"Lucky for you, I'm an amazing chef, especially with the help of magic," Jae bragged. "So where's the recipe?"

"Um..." Charlie frowned, struggling to remember the ingredients. "...I can't really remember. I know she uses chocolate and probably some sugar..."

"This is going to be harder than I thought," remarked Jae. "But I do know a charm that'll make the fudge taste just like your mum's. So let's get to work!"
"I hope they like it as much as I did," said Charlie as Percy, Fred and George ran downstairs towards him and Bill.

"Is that mum's fudge?" said George excitedly when he laid eyes on the plate on the table.

"We tried our best to replicate it with Jae's help," answered Bill. "Go on, help yourselves!"

As the twins reached for the fudge and eagerly stuffed it in their mouths, Percy looked somber. "Bill, Charlie, what happened? Did Dani get petrified? Did another student die? Did something happen to-"

"Of course not, Percy," said Bill. "Thought I'd give you a taste of home while you're here at school. I understand it might not be the easiest for you guys right now."

"Yeah..." Percy shuffled his feet nervously.

"Come on, Perce, Hogwarts is fun!" said Fred with his mouth full. "We get to learn magic and pull pranks and-"

"Students DIE here, Fred," said Percy sadly.

Bill sighed. "I know. There's a lot going on at Hogwarts right now. Hopefully the Circle can beat R to the final vault sooner rather than later so we can have some peace next year, but Harry Potter will start here the year after that, and things will only get worse from there. And that sucks, because I loved every single moment here at Hogwarts and I want all of my siblings to as well."

"Bill..." said Charlie.

"I mean, aren't we making a happy memory at Hogwarts right now?" said George. "Our big brother came and brought us mum's delicious fudge!"

Fred shoved a piece into Percy's hand. "Don't be so glum, bro."
Walking to the DADA classroom after dinner, Dani felt uneasy, much like when she'd been in big trouble many times in the past six years. She knew she wasn't-she and the other co-leaders were just going to have a (not at all) friendly chat with Angelica and Bill-but she had the feeling she probably wouldn't like what she was about to hear.

As soon as she heard Dani open the door, Merula spun around in her seat. "Hey Jackson, did Dumbledore give you any advice on, you know, GRIEVING?"

"He said that I was 'neglecting my own well-being and needs' and 'moving on too soon'. Awesome, now I should just cross my legs and watch R gain the power they need to, I dunno, become the next You-Know-Who."

"Well," said Merula, "I got some nonsense about not letting anger consume me."

"At least he got one in three, not bad for the headmaster of a wizarding school," said Ben. "He told me to 'let myself feel'. Dude, between trying to protect my friends and all the professors breathing down my throat, I don't have the TIME for that."

"Yo," said Bill as he swaggered coolly into the room, failing to alleviate the tension between the students.

Angelica followed him inside. "Hey Ben, long time no see. I hear you've been-"

"Cut to the chase," Ben said in annoyance.

"Well," said Angelica, "from everything I've seen and heard about the Circle recently, you guys seem miserable stuck with one another."

"Oh? I don't recall us having problems."

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