Chapter 26

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"Hi Beatrice, how's everything going?"

Beatrice turned to face Dani. "How does it look like everything's going?"

"I dunno. Cedric and Chiara both told me you've been staring at the petrified students a lot, and now you're up late staring at... Sir Cado-"

Just then, Ismelda ran in, completely ignoring Dani, and grabbed Beatrice by the arm. "Let's get a move on," said Ismelda as she dragged the second-year through the closest hallway.

"Aye, a sad story is our Beatrice," said Sir Cadogan from the painting behind them. "She's been hanging around here like a wyvern circling an unwatched flock!"

"I don't know if she's anxious about the curse or mad at Penny," said Dani.

"Reminds me of your brother," said Sir Cadogan. "He and his troublesome lieutenants were infamous in their day."

"Duncan and Olivia!" Dani thought aloud in excitement. Dumbledore was right.
"Thought I'd be getting myself a companion for a while there," Duncan said as he floated out.

"I know Charlie visits often," said Dani.

"And YOU only show up when you need something," Duncan pointed out.

"I've been very busy. But all I ask this time is how I can contact Alex."

Duncan grinned. "Alex, Olivia and I used to have meetings in the boathouse by the lake. He says the place always gave him a cursed-vault-y feeling."
There was a black quill sitting on a crate next to a pile of kayaks, because of course there was.

Dani, if you're reading this, you've found our meeting place. There's loads I want to talk to you about, but a letter's not the place to do it. If you ever need me, cast vermillious by the shore, I'll come find you.

Red sparks flew into the air, and pretty soon, Alex apparated next to Dani. He looked around in surprise, which turned to shock as his eyes fell on the lake surface. "Dani, look! Isn't that a-"

"Weren't we going to-"


Sure enough, a limp Beatrice Haywood was floating on the lake.

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