Chapter 19

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Maybe it was because it all went down at the dead of night, but for the rate gossip spreads at Hogwarts, the news didn't seem to go very far.

After a sleepless night that seemed much longer than it actually was, Dani went downstairs to see the Gryffindor common room just the same as it would be any other morning. Maybe it was a little more crowded as McGonagall guarded the portrait hole and tried to get the students in line, which only worked on the younger students for the most part. Third and fourth year students continued to lounge around, chatting, while Corey and Levi were running around holding whatever as if they were small children (in case you forgot, this is the 16-17 year old class), clearly blissfully unaware of... Well, the thing that happened the night before.

Dani went over to Ben, who sitting at Rowan's usual seat, scribbling furiously on a scroll of parchment. "Morning Ben, wha-"

"DADA essay." Ben didn't even look up. "Due today. Was up all night working on it."

"It's not like the professor would show up."

Ben, still writing rapidly, pointed his free hand at his housemates. "Look at everyone, Dani. Doing their thing as if nothing had ever happened. Reckon we should too."

"OK..." Dani turned her attention to McGonagall, who checked her pocket watch again, sighed, and yelled out.

"Students, get in line and we should get moving. We'd hate to keep Professor Dumbledore waiting."

"Can we not go?" Corey asked as he slid down a tall banister to the dorms, tossing something to the ground which set off a small explosion.

McGonagall facepalms before saying, "This is a very important announcement by the headmaster, Mr. Hayden, especially for your year. This could very well compromise your safety, with the Mahoutokoro wizard still at large."

"...Fine," said Corey as he joined the growing line.

Dani looked back at Ben. "Shall we?"

Ben shrugged as he stood up, leaving his work on the table. "Not like we have much choice on the matter either way."
Gryffindor was last to arrive in the great hall, which had been dimmed and the house tables were folded against the walls. Dani couldn't spot Merula in the crowd, but she noted that the rest of the houses looked just a bewildered as the Gryffindors.

A few hushed conversations between Dumbledore and the heads of houses later, the headmaster took his place behind the owl lectern. "Good morning, students."

A faint ripple of 'good morning' sounded through the crowd.

"I have a... Rather grim announcement. Last night, several students decided not to heed my many warnings and went out into the forbidden forest. There, a sixth-year Gryffindor, Rowan Khanna... Was slain at the hands of Patricia Rakepick."

Beat. Then the great hall exploded-into shock, loud chattering, cries.

"Students," said Dumbledore, raising his voice, "I understand that many of you, particularly those of you who knew Miss Khanna in person, are experiencing different, complicated emotions. I hope you know that whatever feelings you may have are valid and understandable. Our professors will be here whenever you need to talk.

"Again, I cannot stress enough the importance of staying within school grounds. The dementors are here to protect our school, but as you can all tell by now, that doesn't warrant rulebreaking right now. So, for hopefully the last time, please, STAY WITHIN SCHOOL GROUNDS. Also, on the off chance that you have any information on Professor Rakepick, the Mahoutokoro wizard, and/or the organization they work for, please approach a professor with the information at the earliest convenience.

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