Adventures in Cursebreaking Part 2

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In the library after class...

"Ministry classification..." Penny flipped through Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. "Known wizard killer, impossible to train or domesticate." This is why I don't do the creature reserve.

"There's no need to worry, we have professional handlers for a reason," said Charlie, still immersed in a thick book.

"I think this is the only sort of book Charlie is interested in," said Barnaby. "I'll take anything about creatures."

"Don't we have more important stuff to worry about?" asked Merula.


"Where we'll be sleeping?" explained Merula.

"We could camp."

"Have you guys even BEEN camping before?!"


"I bet mum and dad would've taken me if they weren't busy with, y'know, SEVEN kids..."

"Once I think, but I bet Angelica has."

"A couple times, when I was much younger..."

"Don't you think we should get some practical advice?" said Merula.

Dani closed her book. "Great idea, we've done enough research on dragons over the past year anyway. Let's go find Hagrid!"
"Please don' tell me yer campin' in teh forbidden forest," said Hagrid.

"Don't worry, we aren't, we just need supplies and advice."

"Honestly, it's all pretty self-explanatory, just don't pitch yer tent on a red cap hole. Don' lose yer wands-tha' applies no matter where yeh are. There's this muggle rhyme abou' bears if yeh come across one-if it's black fight back, if it's brown lie down, if it's white say goodnight-but I don' s'pose yer headin' teh the Arctic?!"

"Of course we aren't," said Dani.

"Though' so. An' there's the fire safety rules, but I believe yer all old enoug' teh know 'em-"

"Any extra precautions if we'll be around dragons-ow!" Penny earned herself a nice hard punch from Charlie, but it was too late.

"Dragons?! I'm bringin' yeh ter Professor Kettleburn. He'll know more abou' dragons. Can' lose any more students..."
"Camping near dragons? I believe we've got at least a couple of minors here... Will you be with a Dumbledore-sanctioned professional?"

"A professional who is approved by a Dumbledore-sanctioned individual," explained Dani.

"I believe it was your idea, wasn't it, Mr. Weasley?

No answer. Nobody needed one.

"Seeing you lot, I won't bother to dissuade you. The best advice I can give is to cast protective wards around your campsite. And remember that in the face of danger, it's always best to work together. Why, just last summer I was tramping across the Carpathians when an ironbelly nearly had me for supper. I would've lost my other arm if I hadn't managed to fire off a sleeping charm just before its jaws snapped shut! You need only ask yourself if it's worth the danger. So Charlie, why are you so intent on chasing dragons?"

"I don't rightly know, to tell you the truth. I've just always liked them."

"The simple reasons are often best."
Friday afternoon saw the students sprinting towards the training grounds. "What if we forgot something?" asked Barnaby, gesturing to the sack of camping supplies from Hagrid on his back.

"Relax, we'll only be there for the weekend," said Dani.

Angelica was waiting when the group emerged, out of breath. "We still have a while before the portkey activates. You guys didn't have to run."

"Copper nearly didn't make it to the last cursed vault," said Merula.

"Are you guys sure you're ready?"

"I must say, I do feel like we've done the work," said Penny excitedly. "If anyone's ready to camp in a dragon sanctuary, we are!"

"And dragons," said Barnaby. "I expect they're always ready to spend the night there."

"Kettleburn just told us to put fireproof salve around the campsite and we'll be a-okay," said Charlie.

"And to cast stunning spells if we ever got attacked by a bear," added Merula.

"Charlie, if I get sacked, it was your idea," said Angelica. "Alright, I think it's time, everybody hold on..."

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