Chapter 24

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Apparently I failed to save the last few lines of chapter 23 so since I was going to continue the conversation anyway we'll pick up from there...
"You did at the sanctuary, and from what you've been telling me about Ben's training mania, I'd say you do," said Angelica matter-of-factly.

"Anyway," said Bill, "we've thought of an even better team building activity, for just the three of you. I mean, we could come too if you want."

"Make sure things don't get out of hand," added Angelica.

"Well then enlighten us," scoffed Merula.

"Yeah, are we just doing more training?" asked Ben.

Bill shook his head, then looked at Angelica. "We thought it'd be in your best interest if you returned to the forbidden forest."


"Not the worst idea that came out of you guys..."

"What's the point of this anyway?"

"If R planned an elaborate ambush there, they must've left more than Rakepick's cursed necklace there. Dani, you've said that the Circle needs every leg up against R it could get. This could be one. So shall we come along?"

"I mean, five heads are better than three," Dani said, looking her classmates for approval.

Merula groaned and slumped as Ben nodded. "Majority rules. Ugh. Fine. The more the merrier, I reckon."

"Amazing. I hope Dumbledore feels better about you guys heading with two adults. So no objections to tomorrow night? ...Cool, you guys are free to go get some sleep now, and just try not to think about it until then."
Bill's last line rang in Dani's head as she went down to the great hall the next morning. Dani knew her best friend would want to see her as a normal 16-year-old for once, instead of putting her life on the line all over again.

"Ola, my friend! Come join us for breakfast!"

Alanza skipped over and practically dragged Dani to the Slytherin table with Barnaby and Liz. "We've so much in common. Creatures love us!"

"I'm glad you're making friends here at Hogwarts, Alanza."

"Sim! So Dani, how goes things with the Circle of Khanna?"

"Fine," said Dani. "A lot has happened over the past couple of days."

"Do you need an escape, Dani?" offered Alanza.

"Oh yeah, what were you just telling us about the truly magical forests of Castelobruxo..." Liz asked as if on cue.
"I can see why you may be having trouble adjusting to Hogwarts now."

"Don't worry, Dani," said Alanza. "You've made it so much easier. I'm very glad Dumbledore chose you to be my guide."

"Dani does brighten things wherever she goes," said Barnaby.

Dani awkwardly checked her watch. "I think we should probably head to class now..."

After splitting up outside the great hall, Dani was intercepted by Chiara en route to her first class. "Dani, if you haven't heard, two more students have been petrified recently. I'm helping in the hospital wing with Cedric after class, would you like tp join us?"

"Why not, I could sure use a distraction from tonight."

"Tonight? What crazy thing are you guys doing now?!"

"We're going into the forest again to look for clues. Don't worry, we-"

Chiara seemed concerned. "Dani, you know it's a full moon tonight, don't you?"

"Oh, I... Didn't. Thanks for letting me know."
That afternoon, as Cedric and Dani tended to a petrified student...

"Beatrice was just here," said Cedric. "I think she was kinda acting strangely. Thought I'd let you know."

"In what way?"

"She just came in, stared at all the petrified students, and left."

"I think this might have brought up some bad memories of last year. Thanks for letting me know, it's probably time I checked up on her."
That night...

"So this is where it happened..." said Bill.

"If you mean the place where our ex-DADA professor murdered our classmate, you can just say it out loud," said Ben.

Bill shrugged, and Angelica asked, "So are we ready to search?"

Merula, who had been examining the shortest tree in the area, said, "Sure, see if you guys have better luck than dirt and leaves and forest things and IS THAT FENRIR GREYBACK???!!!"

"EVERYBODY RUN!!" Angelica yelled.

While Bill and Merula (for once) had the sense to back off from the werewolf, Ben and Dani pulled out their wands and took their stances.



The werewolf staggered as both spells hit it, and Dani saw a light grey werewolf pounce in and start wrestling the other werewolf as Bill shouted, "Just get back, you two!"

Seeing Ben turn around and run after the others, Dani followed. "WAS that Greyback?" Merula asked, panting, once Dani was in earshot.

"Don't think so, he was darker and taller, should we-"

"Haven't seen you running so fast before, Dani. Got attacked by a werewolf?"

Most of the group skidded to a halt in front of the centaur, who was putting away his bow.

"Nearly," Merula gasped.

"You humans should stop going out on full moon nights," said Torvus. "I'd been hoping you'd come soon, Dani. Firenze has some new insights on Trelawney's prophecy."

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