Chapter 42

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"The OAF?! Why would we-"

"Oh hey Dani," said Ben as Dani ran up to the table excitedly. "Did Jae give you the lyre?"

"To answer your question, yes." Dani brought out a lyre from behind her.

"That's... a piece of junk!"

"It has a really nice frame," commented Dani. "All that's left to do is get Kirley to string it. The Weird Sisters practically owe us a favour for how well their concert turned out."

"And remember the song about Mrs. Norris-"

"Copper, you still haven't told me why you and Jackson got the oaf in on this!"

"It's called backup, Merula," said Dani.

"He'll make sure we're not counting galleons when Rakepick shows up," added Ben. "Oh, and Dani, has Alex written back?"

Dani nodded. "He says he wishes his friends could be there to see it through, but he'll be joining us."

"Awesome. Looks like we're all set."

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