Chapter 31

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In the Hog's Head...

"Colour me impressed," said Moody after Dani recounted the plan (so far). "With the dangers involved, we might as well make the most of this risk and take your plan up to the next level. A member of R themselves can surely absorb more intel than eavesdropping teenagers in disguises or under invisibility cloaks."

"A member of R... So now I need to swagger in and tell them I want to ally with them to get to the final vault, just like Alex-"

"No, Dani. They've turned on your brother, so if you ask to join them now, they'll know you have ulterior motives. I think only Slytherins can get buddy-buddy with Snape... Does the best potioneer in your year happen to be in that massive friend group of yours?"

"Penny? Yeah, what do we need from her?"

"We have a month until the meeting-enough time to brew a polyjuice potion to impersonate the member of R whom you've known for two years and called 'the best DADA professor if she wasn't a murderer'."

Dani caught on. "And if she decides to rear her ugly head, my friends will be there to tie her up, stuff her in an alleyway, and report her to the ministry." THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO NOT BE THOUGHT OF STRAIGHT AWAY
"Penny, look, limited edition dungbombs, we can-"

"I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice," said Penny.

"Pranks aren't the same as beating up muggle-borns," Tonks retorted. "Anyway, let's see if Bilton..."

As Tonks went over to the counter, Dani burst into Zonko's. "Penny, there you are! I've checked, like, five stores..."

"What do we need to defeat R now, another banned potion?"

"I don't think you mentioned that polyjuice potions were banned when we brewed one last year."

"Polyjuice potion? Who are you planning to become and why?"

Dani lowered her voice. "I don't know if Tonks has told you, but we have information about an R meeting in about a month. Moody recommends that I show up disguised as Rakepick so we can squeeze more info out of R."

"Dude, this is even crazier than exchanging a love potion for an invisibility cloak to sneak into the ministry," said Penny.

"We'll have backup in case she shows up, and-"

"I'm saying that polyjuice potion is ridiculously hard to pull off properly, Dani," Penny interrupted. "The experimental recipe I tried out last year didn't work too badly, but death eaters won't HESITATE to cast avada kedavra on you if something goes south."

Dani nodded. "This is the only lead we have to R, Penny. I'd be happy to help in any way you need. We have to stop R from hurting any more people we care about."

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